Children's Health Ins. & Grub Club Food Drive

Post date: Jan 14, 2018 7:13:36 PM

Children's Health Insurance Program

More than 100 days have passed since funding ran out for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which has allowed 8.9 million kids and pregnant women nationally to access quality affordable health care.

In Colorado, 90,000 working families use the program to cover their kids at some point during the year. These families make too much to qualify for Medicaid and too little to afford coverage on the private market or through their employer plans. Colorado families, and many families across our nation, have been warned that their health insurance might soon end.

While Congress continues to delay funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program, many families in Colorado are facing difficult challenges as they try to figure out how to support the medical needs and basic healthcare of their children.

Please call our State and US Legislators and advocate for continued healthcare for ALL children. Find your CO Legislator here:

Contact U.S.Senator Cory Gardner

Contact U.S. Senator Michael Bennet

Grub Club Food Drive

The Golden Area Schools are helping to collect 900 jars of peanut butter for our district's homeless and emancipated students. Please bring your donations to Kyffin as soon as you can.

Colorado Education Network

In 2017 the Board of Directors of the Colorado PTA became an active member of the Colorado Education Network. The network is made up of many of the leading proponents of public education in our state. At our next PTA meeting on February 7th, we have invited a speaker from CEN to explain school finance basics and our district’s level of funding. CEN is also hoping to have a ballot initiative in 2018 to help fix our Statewide public education funding crisis. Click here for more info.