Categorical Funding

Post date: Aug 27, 2017 5:29:30 PM

Last year the mill/bond ballot measure for our school district was not approved by voters. Last year PTA provided a large percentage of Kyffin's technology to fill the budgeting gap. This chart will help you understand why joining PTA and participating in our school wide events is so valued.

Here is a one-page chart illustrating the percent share of Federal, State and District dollars for Categoricals is available here on the CSFP website (

Federal and State Categorical Funding:

· 38% of special education costs

· 20% of English learner costs

· 31% of gifted and talented costs (no federal funding)

· 35% of Career and Technical Education costs

· 24% of public school transportation costs (no federal funding)

The Colorado School Finance Project's website,, contains a wealth of information on school finance.

Founded in 1995, the Colorado School Finance Project (CSFP) is a non-profit whose mission is to compile, collect and distribute research-based, non-partisan information and data on topics related to school finance for state and local policy makers.