Advocacy Update 10/28/18

Post date: Oct 28, 2018 5:55:45 PM

Last week's e-blast took a closer look at why CO PTA opposes Proposition 109. In case you missed it, that information can be found on the Kyffin PTA website. Keep reading to get a closer look at Amendment 73.

  • Ballots are due by 7pm on November 6th. Click here to find ballot drop off locations.

    • CO PTA, Jeffco PTA and Kyffin PTA have endorsed Amendment 73 which is a statewide ballot initiative for school funding.

    • Jeffco PTA and Kyffin PTA have endorsed the Mill Levy Override and Bond (ballot initiatives 5A/5B).

    • CO PTA opposes Proposition 109 – check out the Infographic about it.

    • Check-out CO PTA 's Legislative Scorecard to see how your state legislators who are up for re-election fared on PTA’s top-priority bills during the recent legislative session.

    • You should have received your ballot in the mail by now! If you haven't received it yet, you can check your voter registration or register to vote at

A closer look at Amendment 73:

Why do we need more school funding?

Colorado has one of the fastest-growing economies in the country, but our per pupil funding is roughly $2800 less than the national average. Our teachers have the least competitive wages in the country resulting in teacher shortages - 95% of teachers in rural districts don't make enough salary to meet the cost of living. Colorado ranks 49 out of the 50 states when it comes to having an experienced teacher in the classroom. Half of Colorado’s school districts have switched to four-day weeks due to lack of funding. (More information can be found here.)

What is Amendment 73?

Statewide Amendment 73 creates a desperately needed new revenue stream for Colorado’s public schools that cannot be used elsewhere by asking the top earning 8% and C Corporations to contribute more equitably to all of Colorado’s public school districts. We can do more for our students and communities by avoiding closures, retaining and attracting quality teachers, and funding overdue repairs, renovations, and improvements that benefit our entire community. Amendment 73 provides a sustainable support for schools by stabilizing property taxes, addresses the most pressing needs of our local schools, and ensures that decisions about how to use new funds are made at the local level (More information can be found here.)

How would Amendment 73 impact funding for Jeffco?

Based on the most recent CDE estimates for 2018-2019, Jeffco School District would receive $134.4 million in additional ongoing revenue if the initiative were implemented for the 2018-2019 school year. That comes out to about $1,609 additional per pupil funding. NOTE: this would get CO per pupil funding closer to the national average, but we would still fall over $1000 short thus we also need 5A/5B to pass to help close the funding gap! (More information can be found here.)

How will the revenue be spent in Jeffco?

The Jeffco School Board passed a resolution in support of Amendment 73 and intends to se the new funding in the following ways: 50% to attract and retain quality teachers and staff; 15% to lower class sizes and staffing shortages; 10% to add mental health/counseling and school security; 10% to expand early childhood education; 7.5% to expand CTE and STEM options; and 7.5% to purchase classroom learning materials, technology, supplies and offset student fees. (More information can be found here.)