Advocacy Update for August 19, 2018

Post date: Aug 17, 2018 5:08:09 PM

The purpose and mission of PTA is child advocacy. The role of the Advocacy Liaison is to communicate and connect the business of Colorado PTA to Kyffin's PTA and notify our members of opportunities to become engaged and involved at their local level, county level, state level and nation-wide. Kyffin's Advocacy Liaison is Karyn Peabody and you can connect with her via email at

Amendment 73

Last Spring Kyffin PTA (along with Jeffco and CO PTA) voted to endorse the Great Schools, Thriving Communities Initiative and worked hard to collect signatures to get this initiative on the ballot. Good news!!! More than enough signatures were collected across the entire state and the Great Schools, Thriving Communities Initiative will be on the ballot as Amendment 73 this fall! To learn more you can visit

Possible Mill/Bond

The Board of Education will be meeting on August 23, 2018 to determine placing a possible Mill and/or Bond on this year's ballot. You can make your voice hear on this issue by contacting the BOE at To learn more about how these ballot measures could support our school check-out the districts' website and this short video.

Voter Registration

Please go to to ensure that your voter registration information is up to date or to register to vote! Your kids are counting on your voices this November!