2nd - Second Grade

Entering 2nd grade your student should be able to do all the I Can statements from kindergarten and first grade:

  • I Can write my name
  • I Can match letters to sounds
  • I Can begin to decode words
  • I Can read some high frequency words
  • I Can print letters and numbers 1-10
  • I Can talk about the Reading Street Question of the Week
  • I Can sequence events in order
  • I Can write a sentence with a capital and period
  • I Can Identify the beginning, middle, and end of a story (Plot)
  • I Can compare and contrast how things are alike and different
  • I Can Predict what happens
  • I Can write and identify numbers 1-100
  • I Can identify cause and effect in stories
  • I Can Write about the Reading Street Question of the Week

By the end of Second grade your child should be able to do the following:

I Can identify a fact and opinion

I Can write a sentence with minimal errors.

I Can use signal words such as: First, Next, Last in my writing and oral speech

I Can use and identify basic grammar: nouns, verbs, & adjectives

I Can Identify the main idea and give details

I Can write about the main idea and provide details

I Can begin to summarize information

I Can write and identify numbers 1-1000