School Lessons

Each student will receive a small-group lesson about once every 6 school days. The lessons are scheduled on a semi-rotating basis, so students will not miss the same class for every lesson. Lessons will be 26-30 minutes in length. Lessons are where students receive most of their individual attention, feedback, and instruction, so they are an integral part of every student’s path to success in orchestra. It is extremely important that the students attend their lessons.

Students must check in with their regular teacher at the beginning of class or the beginning of the school day, before leaving for their orchestra lesson.

If the classroom teacher requires the student to stay in class, this will be an excused absence from a lesson, and the student will be able to sign-up for a make-up lesson for full credit.

If a student fails to attend a lesson, it will count as an unexcused absence for that lesson. Students may only have one unexcused lesson per quarter. This lesson may be made up.

Students are responsible for the work they miss in class while they are at their orchestra lesson. Students will only ever miss half of a class period, so make up work should be minimal. If students feel they need help with this make up work, any of the orchestra teachers will be happy to assist.

All students and parents may receive a orchestra lesson feedback email within 24 hours of the lesson. The email will include if the student was absent or present, if they need a make up lesson, feedback from the lesson, and the assignment they need to practice for next time.

There will be designated days for make-up lessons each quarter. Students who require a make-up lesson will be responsible for signing up for their own make-up lesson. Make up times will be posted on the board in the front of the orchestra room one week before the make up lessons occur.

Examples of Excused Absences from Lessons

-Absence from school

-Instrument is being repaired

-Classroom teacher prohibits the student from attending

Examples of Unexcused Absences from Lessons

-Choosing not to attend the lesson

-Forgetting instrument at home

-Forgetting to attend the lesson

Dishonesty about lesson absences will result in an automatic zero-so just be honest!