2021-2022 Orchestra Projects

(You Are) Amazing 2021-2022

Varsity Orchestra Social Emotional Learning Projects

Passion Projects 2021-2022

Bear Orchestra Passion Projects

What have you enjoyed the most about orchestra this year? Why?

“I really like playing together. It's fun to have a class where everyone enjoys it because you get so much more out of it.”

“Being able to play challenging pieces and having a fun experience through the whole year. Orchestra has been one of the most fun classes I've had all year long.”

“I have enjoyed being able to make new friends and still hang out with my old ones.”

“I enjoyed getting better and seeing my friends, because I was able to see my progress more than any other years.”

“I really enjoyed being able to play as group everyday because we were not able to do that last year.”

“The community in the orchestra classes is very fun and welcoming and they make the class a lot more interesting.”

“I have enjoyed the opportunity to play more complex pieces. It has helped me grow.”

“The out of this world friendly aura.”

“I have enjoyed the community we have in orchestra, there is no other class in this school where the students are so close and where doing things like getting a Ryan Reynolds stand up or doing fun fact Friday is just so normal for us”

“The people have definitely been my favorite part of orchestra. Getting to talk and joke around with everyone is always one of the highlights of my day.”

“My favorite part is the wide variety of songs that we have played. I think this because some of the songs have been super fast, exciting songs and then some have been slower and I have enjoyed learning to play all of them.”

What piece did you connect to the most? Why?

“I really liked Beauty and Fire because it sounds so cool and it's really fun to play. I especially like the beginning because it sounds so pretty.”

“Incredibles because it was by far the most interesting piece to play as a viola”

“Lullaby to the Moon, because it's beautiful”

“Hopak because it's fast and energetic”

“The Incredibles because I used to watch the movie a lot when I was younger”

“You are Amazing is probably one of my favorite songs that I have learned to play because it is just a happy message and sound. I can kind of go through rough times with friends and family so playing and hearing this song each day makes me feel happier.”

“Jazz Rhythmico or Rosin Eating Zombies in Outer Space, because they were just fun and energetic.”

“You are Amazing, because it is fun to spread positivity”

“Rosin Eating Zombies'' was my favorite song because it was fun to play and had a great personality!”

“Across the Wind, it was a happy uplifting song during a difficult time.”

“I connected to you are amazing the most because the message and the reason it was created spoke to me and I found it really uplifting and it is a very happy song”

“Pirates of the Caribbean because I'm learning it on piano so it's nice to make that connection.”

“I liked Steampunk the most because of how different it was from all of our other pieces.”

“Steampunk, I feel like it required lots of listening to other sections of the orchestra.”

“The piece I connected to the most is the Odyssey because I really love the story behind the piece and the challenge it brings the class.”

What is something you will remember from this year? Why?

“I will definitely remember all of the amazing people I met this year in orchestra. I will also remember having fun in class and learning a lot of new things this year.”

“I will remember the different ways we worked on different things (ex. moving around to room to help staying together).”

“I will remember making new friends from my class that i never really talked to before”

“I will remember a lot of the skills we worked on in class because they will be useful to me in the future.“

“I will remember how connected this class is.”

“Something that I will remember from this year was having a bond with the class.”

“This year I felt we were able to play some really cool songs that were challenging at the same time.”

“I will remember the friends I made in this class because they make me happy”

“The goofy, ridiculous, kind people and how I've learned and grown.”

“Our question of the days”

“Orchestra book club because it helped me meet some new orchestra people and it was really fun to discuss books with people who might have different opinions”

“One thing I will remember from this year is concerts and helping at 5th grade lock-ins because it was fun to see their progress and fun to play on stage.”

“I will remember being part of chamber because it was fun to play harder pieces with really good orchestra players.”

“I will remember our weekly schedule of beginning activities”

“The amount of fun the class has been”

How do you see orchestra/music being a part of your life after high school?

“I can play music to get rid of stress”

“I feel really connected with music and listening to music is one of my favorite things to do and it makes me happy. I also love to play my violin it makes me happy and now that I bought my violin I can always play it.”

“I really do want to continue with music after high school. I hope to be part of an orchestra or maybe even be a composer.”

“Me and my friends really connected through orchestra and I feel like that connection will live on.”

“A fun hobby i enjoy”

“I may continue playing the violin, it also helps me to appreciate and connect to music more”

“I will be able to teach and connect the skills I have learned to things in the real world.”

“Maybe playing my violin in small groups in college if I go”

“I want to make video games for a living and so I will eventually have to put some music in them.”

“A way I can make money and to have as a hobby”

“Gotta get those scholarships”

“I can play in an orchestra in college.”

“I will continue listening to music”

“I would be able to get into higher classes in college knowing that I had music in my curriculum.”

“I will always listen to music, and I will support others in orchestra.”

“I think it would be cool, to one day be able to pick up the violin and play it for friends. Or maybe in the far future, play it for my kids.”

“I will continue playing in my own time.”

“I would like to possibly minor in orchestra or at least still have a viola and work on it myself”

“Most likely continuing it as a hobby, maybe joining orchestra groups during my free time”

“I see it as an amazingly cool hobby, I don't want a musical career but i will continue playing.”

“I want to go to a college with orchestra as an option, i wouldn't want to major in music but i want to continue playing”

“I definitely want to play in college and maybe even after. I also want my kids to participate in music.”

“I don't think I will pursue music as a career but I would love to continue taking music classes and learning after high school.”

“I think that the experiences and memories that I have made in orchestra will last me a lifetime”