
Orchestra Dates for the 2023-2024 School Year

Please add these dates to your family calendar now to avoid conflicts.

Concert Dress

Students must wear a plain white shirt (nice/dressy, no words or graphics, must follow school dress code) and black pants (no leggings) or skirts (if a skirt, it must go past their knees when they sit down), and black dress shoes.  Students who wear black pants should also wear black socks.  Absolutely no bare midriffs or bare shoulders. NO SNEAKERS!  If your family needs assistance in acquiring these items please contact your orchestra teacher.

Performance Requirements

Each performance is a culminating experience for many weeks of hard work and is mandatory. Concert attendance is a part of students’ participation grade. Since the orchestra functions as a team, the absence of even one person affects everyone. No students will be allowed to miss the concert for any reason. If there are any emergencies or extenuating circumstances that will prevent your child from attending their concert, you must let me know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.