"Helping kids understand their world"

BrainPOP through the OSP will include:

  • Student access to all content under BrainPOP
    • Over 800 topics
    • BrainPOP MOvies, Challenges, Quizzes, Make-a-Movie, and Make-a-Map
    • Access to a student's Timeline, where progress and history can be tracked
  • 24-hour access to BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr., BrainPOP Espanol, and BrainPOP Francais under Inspire's Virtual School Account.


Q: What kind of access to BrainPOP will I receive?

A: Our BrainPOP subscription is under a Virtual School license. By opting into BrainPOP you will receive student access and will be a member of the Inspire Classroom. Your student will have access to all content on the BrainPOP website and you will be able to track their progress through their Student Timeline.

Q: Does BrainPOP include access to BrainPOP Jr., BrainPOP Espanol, and BrainPOP Francais?

A: Yes, your student will have access to all four BrainPOP features: BrainPOP, BrainPOP Jr., BrainPOP Espanol, and BrainPOP Francais.

Q: Will my student's BrainPOP account from the 2018-2019 OSP roll over?

A: We were unable to rollover accounts from the 2017-2018 OSP, so we may not be able to roll over the 2018-2019 accounts either. We are currently working on a way to do this. Please check back for updated information on BrainPOP.