Technology Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Technology Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Computers and the Internet are fantastic information tools. However, like most things developed with the intent of improving our world, they have evolved to include many undesirable elements that have the potential to be very dangerous, hurtful, and hugely unproductive. The district has made every effort to filter and protect us all from these undesirable elements. The GCSD guidelines for technology use are very clear; it is to be used to help educate and improve our students' lives. However, personal responsibility is required from all users when utilizing any district technology.

  • Students are to logon at all workstations using their district Username and Password.

  • Each student computer workstation in the GTT Computer Lab is monitored from the teacher's computer console through the use of NetSupport. This technology permits the teacher to assist and control student stations remotely. Students must always remain aware that their screen is monitored by the instructor, even if the instructor is not physically standing at their station. Additionally, ETS has the ability to monitor ALL technology users in the district (teachers, staff, and students) at any time.