Computer Expectations


Multi-User Laptops

The GTT Computer Design Lab is made possible by the Project Lead The Way initiative.

Expectations, Daily Use, Etiquette, & Hygiene shown here are also displayed at each computer station in the station folder.


1. No user should have any expectation of privacy, visual or remote, with respect to district information system resource usage.

2. The GCSD Acceptable Use Policy is always in effect. Violators risk losing all computer privileges and possible disciplinary action.

3. Clean hands are required when using this equipment. Soap & water are best, but hand sanitizer is good.

4. Food items, drinks, gum & candy, lotions, and cosmetics, etc. are not permitted to be out in the computer lab.

5. Intentional damage of lab equipment will become the user’s financial responsibility. Unintentional damage could become the user’s financial responsibility.

6. Students are only permitted to open programs, access internet and view websites as authorized by the instructor.

7. ALL have a responsibility to keep the equipment clean and in good order for the next user.

8. Users are not to download any programs or music on the GTT computers.

9. Students may not use any personal disks/ flashdrives on the school’s computer.


1. Use of the computer station is based on each user’s previous session.

2. Notify the instructor at the beginning of each period if anything is out of order.

3. Students must login with their own district Username.

4. Students must logoff after each session.

5. Student work is to be saved to home directories.

6. Students may access email only during designated times.

8. Books, binders, pens/pencils, etc. are not to be placed on the computer workstations.

9. Keep fingers out of your mouth, nose, eyes, and ears! Get in the habit of using the back of your hand or forearm whenever possible.

10. Turn your head down and to the side; sneeze/cough into your elbow.