Former Teacher - Steve Dale


Algebra I - 9th Grade

Educational Mentoring

Recording Arts





After earning my BA in mathematics, and minor in music (classical), I taught elementary school music, middle school math, taught English in Korea and traveled in Asia for over a year. I have a aching curiosity for the unknown, which is one reason why I love math. I am thrilled to be a part of such a supportive and unique educational community at the Grauer School!

What students can expect

Challenging - Studying mathematics is all about confronting challenges head-on, overcoming self-doubt, and cultivating curiosity.

Caring - I want each and every student to strengthen their confidence and technical abilities in math. I will make every attempt to get you what you need to be successful in my class.

Clear - I will never try to trip you up with "gotcha's" or "trick-questions". My goal is for you to show me you can master the concepts and techniques, not catch you on a mistake.

Mess up! It's okay! - A mistake a day is a mathematician away. I hope that through studying math you will come to see that real learning comes through accepting ourselves, our mistakes, and removing self-judgment.

Other interests

Writing, music, yoga, cooking, skateboarding, juggling, traveling, learning anything new!