Former Teacher - Rachel Persons




High School PE



I attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison and earned a Bachelors of Science in Zoology and Anthropology along with completing the Pre-Med program. Then I earned my teaching credentials in secondary math and science at the University of New Mexico while teaching for 3 years on the Navajo Reservation. I taught many different classes including 8th Grade Science, Algebra I, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus. I also coached girls basketball and volleyball.

What students can expect:

I have high expectations of my students and hold them accountable for their learning. I believe that people learn the most from their mistakes and nurture this in my students. My goal is to create a safe and fun learning environment where students feel comfortable posing questions to their peers as well as me. I also focus on problem solving skills, connecting math to real life situations, and encouraging students to evaluate their own progress in learning the material.

Other Interests: volleyball, basketball, Zumba, hiking, reading, dogs