Former Teacher - Grant Bartlow


PreAlgebra ESL

Algebra I (7th grade)


Algebra II

Computer Applications

Computer Science

About Me:

I started teaching at the Grauer School in the summer of 2013. Before that, I taught for five years at the Lydian Academy in Menlo Park, CA. I have taught all of the standard high school math courses as well as the Advanced Placement Calculus and Statistics courses. I went to college at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA and majored in Computer Science. I got married in 2009, and my wife studies earthquakes at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.

What students can expect:

I have high expectations for my students. My courses will be challenging, but fun. Math and Computer Science can be very frustrating or scary, and I will make sure that everybody is comfortable enough with me and each other to be able to ask questions or seek additional help. I am not interested in memorization or skills but developments of problem-solving and analytic thinking. Projects will be connected to real-world applications of the curriculum.

Other interests:

Hiking, Programming, Archery, Ceramics, Rock Climbing