Former Teacher - Chelsea Arrighi


          • Business Math

          • Geometry

          • Math 6

          • 6th gr. Earth Science

          • Learning Lab

Contact Info:

Background: I grew up in a small farming town in Northern Nevada, where I had the chance to develop

life-long friendships and feel the support from my community. I understand and appreciate the

opportunity The Grauer School is giving students to be and feel a part of a community. I moved

to San Diego 7 years ago to attend the University of San Diego where I earned my

      • BA in Liberal Studies

      • California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential K-8

      • Introductory Mathematics Subject Authorization

What students can expect: As Albert Einstein says

" Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new"

Let's try new things and learn from our mistakes. I want to give you tools and helpful tips to

conquer fears in math and science. I strongly believe everyone can succeed at math and science,

it is just a matter of noticing the variety of possible approaches for solving problems. I will

challenge students with word problems, projects,daily activities, homework and tests; I expect

students to be accountable for their work. In the end they should be feeling the self-rewards of


Other interests: golf, soccer, softball, cooking, jewelry making, music, outdoor activities,

board games, reading, and learning