How do we know?

Welcome Year 6 to your Individuals and Societies Taster Lesson.

Global Context

Orientation in Space and Time - an inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between, and the interconnectedness of, individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

Key Concept

Time, place and space - refers to the absolute or relative position of people, objects and ideas. Time, place and space focuses on how we construct and use our understanding of location (“where” and “when”). 

Related Concept

Perspectives - how do we view places differently?

Debatable Question

How do our personal perspectives influence how we perceive different places throughout time and space?

Key Terminology

Define the key terms above by using the 'Useful Links' below on the hand out you will be given. 

Useful Links

Activity Sheet

Year 6 How do we know? - Worksheet


French - Taster day - Year 6 How do we know?


Thank you Mr. Bosson

Activity One - Drawing on personal knowledge

Thank you Matt Podbury at for this lesson.

We all view places and the events that occur within them differently. Our lens on the world is impacted by our experiences which includes what we have learnt in school, from our families and the media (TV, films, books, etc). To see how we view the world we are going to put you in small teams of between two and three people and we would like you to draw a quick map of the world. No maps, atlases or devices will be used for this. This is to be done from your teams knowledge. 

Stage One - Draw

Stage Two - Label

Useful Resource

A Sketch Map of the World

Activity Two - Pair

Your team is now going to be buddied up with another team to share with each other what you have drawn and added to your map. You will be writing down the similarities and differences in the table provided on the worksheet. It is absolutely fine to have drawn the world map with different accuracies as this is all to do with how we personally view the world. 

Activity Three - Share

You have now had time to discuss your individual team's map with another group. We are now going to share your findings with the larger group. The following questions will be used to help to structure the discussion.

Stage One - Discuss

Stage Two - Write

On your personal worksheet write down how our experiences can influence our perceptions of place. Also add how you can broaden your knowledge of the world.


How we view places is impacted by ...

The (media, family, holidays, etc) is most influential because ...

I would like to ...

I think this will be useful because ...

Formal Requirements

Activity Four - Watch

So now we have discussed our different perspectives on how we view the world and what influences us we are now going to look at the basic difficulties of how to draw an 'accurate' map of the world. 

Activity Five

We are now going to look at what you have learnt throughout this lesson and what you hope to learn about in I&S when you join us for your Secondary education.

Useful Resource
