005 - Transboundary Pollution - Part 1
Syllabus Point
Describe (AO2) one major pollution event affecting more than one country and examine (AO3) the consequences of and responses to this event.
Key Terminology
- Describe
- Examine
- Transboundary pollution
Define the words above using the command word posters in the classroom, your 'Geography Course Companion' by Nagle and Cooke and the links below.
Activity One - Emotions
Fortunately, we do not have many nuclear explosions and therefore the images that show the damage of these disasters can be a little historical. Despite that, the damage caused by explosions can be immense.
- Look at the images below - How do they make you feel about nuclear explosions.
Image One - Chernobyl
Taken From - https://twitter.com/chernobyl_facts
Image Two - Contaminated Vegetables, Germany
Taken From - http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/article73405857.html
Activity Two - Events
We are going to focus on Chernobyl which exploded in 1986 as a transboundary pollution event. While this event is clearly positioned in the past the impact of this event is still being felt today - which makes it contemporary. We are going to be looking at incidental pollution as the nuclear explosion in Ukraine will hopefully be a one-off event. Incidental pollution is generally caused by technological or human failure. Watch the youtube clip below and answer the following questions:
- Who are generally most at risk from pollution events?
- Watch the YouTube clip and create a timeline of events at Chernobyl.
Activity Three - Impact
A case study needs to be developed on the consequences of the Chernobyl event. Use the following resources and prompts to help you create a detailed case study. Remember impacts need to be discussed in relation to SEEP (Social, Economic, Environmental, Political) and include data to illustrate your findings.
- Using the map below describe the radioactive fallout from Chernobyl.
- Watch the Youtube clip below and describe the impact of the explosion - SEEP.
Image Three - Map of Radioactive Fallout
Taken From -
Useful Resources
BBC News - The Chernobyl nightmare revisited
The New York Times - Chernobyl
'Global Interactions' textbook by Guinness pages 122- 124