Global Literacy

Neil DeGrasse Tyson —

'We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.'



Got Global Competency?

UCSD Competencies

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Identifies important problems and questions and gathers, analyzes, evaluates information from a variety of sources before forming a strategy, decision, or opinion.

Research Ability

Accesses and evaluates multiple sources of information, including text and images, and synthesizes information to solve problems and create new insights.

Oral, Written, & Digital Communication

Conveys meaning and responds to needs of diverse audiences through writing and speaking coherently and effectively, and develops the expression of ideas through written, oral and digital mediums.

Teamwork & Cross-Cultural Collaboration

Works with and seeks involvement from people and entities with diverse experiences towards a common goal, demonstrating strong interpersonal skills, respect and dignity for others.

Understanding Global Context

Demonstrates an understanding of complex global issues and systems, and how issues and actions have local and global implications for the future.


Takes initiative, demonstrates effective decision making and informed risk taking, and motivates and encourages participation from others to work towards a shared purpose and vision.

Professionalism & Integrity

Demonstrates integrity, honesty, dependability and ethical responsibility, and accepts direction and personal accountability.


Assesses, articulates and acknowledges personal skills and abilities, and learns from past experiences and feedback to gain new insights and understandings.

Career Development

Accesses information and opportunities for career exploration, and understands and articulates the importance of transferable skills in the job search process.

Digital Information Fluency

Demonstrates technological literacy and skills, and ethically and effectively uses technology to communicate, problem-solve and complete tasks.

Civic Engagement & Social Responsibility

Participates in service/volunteer activities characterized by reciprocity, engages in critical reflection, and appropriately challenges unfair and unjust behavior to make a positive difference in the community.

Innovation & Entrepreneurial Thinking

Synthesizes existing ideas and concepts in innovative and creative ways to develop new ways of thinking or working, and engages in divergent thinking and risk taking.