Creating Presentations

Setting Up Image Folders

In FITDIL, groups of images are called "presentations." Any FIT users, including students, can create and download presentations, but only faculty users can publish their presentations to share with others.

You do not necessarily have to use these presentations as the tool for formal presentations. They can be used as personal folders to keep a set of images together for future use. For example, you can collect images to study for an exam, to write a research paper, to find inspiration for a studio project, etc.

A presentation can also be used to download a group of images, generate an URL to the image set, and create a PDF document of images including the metadata associated with the images.

This is a FIT user only feature. Please log in before proceeding.

Selecting Images - Collecting Images in Your Basket

Step 1

Search and select images for your presentation. To select images, click on the check box in upper right hand corner of the image, which will place the selected images in your basket. The number of selected images will appear in the basket on FITDIL Toolbar.

Step 2

Bring the mouse over to the basket icon to display the basket menu.

Click Show to view the images in the basket. The thumbnails will appear at the banner under the FITDIL Toolbar.

Explore on the basket menu will open a page that displays selected images. You can review your selections here, view the details, and deselect images if necessary.

Click Clear to remove all images from the basket.

Basket menu:

  • Show
  • Explore
  • Clear

Selected images appear on the banner:

Step 3

Click on Selected Items on the navigation bar, then click Add to Presentation from the drop-down to add images to a presentation. Then, the Manage Presentations page will open.

If you are creating a new presentation with the selected images, go on to the next section, "Saving Selected Images in New Presentations."

If you are adding images to an existing presentation, go to the "Adding More Images to Existing Presentations" section.

Saving Selected Images in New Presentations

(If you are adding the images to an existing presentation, go to the Adding More Images to Existing Presentations.)

Step 1

On the Manage Presentations page, click Create new presentation.

Step 2

The Create new presentation page will open.

Enter the title for the new presentation. If necessary, assign a tag or select existing tags provided on the page to facilitate the search (optional).

Select Add selected records immediately when you are adding images from the current basket content. If you are a faculty user, you see the option to check on Grant access to authenticated users. If selected, you can share the presentation with other users (this setting can be changed later).

Click Create to complete this step.

Step 3

All the images in the basket will be moved into the newly created presentation and the basket returns empty. If necessary, enter other information and shift around the image order. Click Save to complete (Don't forget to save your work!). If you edit some of the properties, click Update.