Downloading Presentations

Download as: Package Files, Print View, Flash Cards, and PowerPoint

Actions Menu

Four Download Options

On the lower part of the Edit Presentation page, you will find the Actions menu under the Properties section.

The Actions menu offers four download options: Package Files, Print View, Flash Cards, and PowerPoint.

Actions menu on Edit Presentation page

On the lower part of the Edit Presentations page, you will find the Actions menu under the Properties section.

Actions menu on Browse Presentations page

The Actions menu is also located from Browse Presentations (<Experience) page.

Bring the mouse over the presentation, and click on the down arrow. The options will appear in the drop-down menu.

Package Files

downloads the presentation package in a zip folder. The package includes: full-sized jpegs of all images, a folder of metadata (image information), and a folder of image thumbnails.

The full-sized images are the largest available images in FITDIL (The standard size is either 3000 or 4200 pixel dimensions at the longer side of the image ).

The images that are set hidden in the presentation will not be included in the package.

This is the recommended option to download a group of images at once (It may take a while to complete the download if you have many images in the presentation).

Note: These full-sized images may be used in PowerPoint, Keynote and other presentation tools, printed in class papers or on posters, or used in studio projects in digital or printed form. They may not be used in publications or put on a publically available website, without proper copyright permissions.

Print View

creates and downloads a printable version of your presentation in PDF format, including the full record data, with small thumbnail images at each record for review.

Flash Cards

is also a printable version in PDF format, featuring large images and guiding lines for cutting and folding into flashcards with image and record information back to back.


converts the FITDIL presentation into Microsoft PowerPoint format. Click on "Download PowerPoint file," and it downloads a PowerPoint file with all the images and record information. The image title will appear on each slide, and the image information will appear on the notes section on the PowerPoint.