Additional Features

Tags, Favorites, Create Item (Personal Images)


You can add tags to any record from the record page.

The tags can be any term that you create so you can easily retrieve the record again; for example: your project name, a concept you want to associate with the image for future reference, etc.

Once a tag is added, it will appear in the Tags box in the facet filter menu, so that you can filter your searches by tags.

Your tags will be visible to other users so you can mark records with your tag to share with others.

To create a tag, enter the term from the Record page.

Your Favorites

If you use the word "favorite" as a tag and enter it to your Tag box on the record page, the records with the tag "favorite" will appear on Your Favorites page under the Organize menu.

Create Item/Your Content (Faculty only feature)

Faculty members can upload their personal images and share with the FIT community.

          1. Under the Organize menu, go to the Create Item page.
          2. Enter the necessary information about the image (Title, Date, etc.). You can come back anytime to edit the information.
          3. We recommend to save the item under FIT Faculty Personal Images collection - Under the Collection Memberships, please check "Member" box at FIT Faculty Personal Images. In this way your image can be found easily. You can choose to share or not share with the other users. Check on "Shared" box when you share the image with others (If you did not share, the image will only be seen by you).
          4. Click Save, and the record page will open.
          5. Under the Upload Media box at the right-hand column on the page, click on Select and Upload Files button.
          6. Select the file to upload from your computer and click Open to upload.
          7. On this page, using the right-hand facet area, you can also set the Permission for this item if necessary.
          8. Your image will appear on Your Content page. Now you can add the item to your presentation, assign a tag, and share with other users.