
The FIT Digital Image Library (FITDIL) is a digital repository consisting of over 150,000 images, including student and faculty work, exhibitions, and instructional resources. FITDIL provides access to images and accompanying metadata to meet the classroom and research needs of the FIT community while serving as an archive of the creative and intellectual output of the College.

This FITDIL User Guide provides instructions on FITDIL. It explains how to search media, create presentations, and more. 

FITDIL was built using MDID3, an open source, web-based software application. Through the interface, users can explore FIT's digital records including Art History and Fashion and Design teaching images, FIT faculty and student work images, the Library resources, as well as images provided by the Museum at FIT.

Access to FITDIL is restricted to the FIT community and for educational/non-commercial use only.

To get started, go to https://fitdil.fitnyc.edu and log in with your FIT username and password.

Image from Illustration BFA Graduating Student Exhibition 2014Pavlov's Dogs by Brittany Falussy. All rights reserved.


For any questions, please email us at FITDIL@fitnyc.edu.