What will I do to establish and maintain effective relationships with students?

Click on the underlined strategies for detailed steps, tips, and resources!  If a strategy isn't underlined, find it in Becoming a Reflective Teacher (Marzano et.al., 2012).

E36:  What do I typically do to understand students' interests and backgrounds?

E37:  What do I typically do to use verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate affection for students?

E38:  What do I typically do to display objectivity and control?

2-Minute Intervention

What You Wish I Knew

Student Surveys

Opinion Questionnaires

Teacher-Student Conferences

Informal Class Interviews

Autobiographical Metaphors & Analogies

Six-Word Autobiographies

Independent Investigations



Student Learning Goals

Find Someone Who

Display Student Pictures & Work

Developmental Relationships Framework

Greeting Students

Attending Extra-Curricular Functions

Scheduled Interactions


Bulletin Boards

Self-Reflection & Monitoring

Identifying Emotional Triggers


Maintaining a Cool Exterior