What will I do to recognize and acknowledge adherence and lack of adherence to classroom rules and procedures?

Click on the underlined strategies for detailed steps, tips, and resources!  If a strategy isn't underlined, find it in Becoming a Reflective Teacher (Marzano et.al., 2012).

E33:  What do I typically do to demonstrate "withitness"?

E34:  What do I typically do to apply consequences for lack of adherence to rules and procedures?

E35:  What do I typically do to acknowledge adherence to rules and procedures?

Being Proactive

Occupying the Whole Room

Notice Potential Problems

Graduated Actions

Circulate and Monitor

Help Me Understand

Verbal & Nonverbal Cues

Long Pause



Interdependent Group Contingency

Home Contingency

Planning for High-Intensity Situations

Retraining Seminar

Notebooks for Management (external link)

Lives in the Balance Website 

Help Me Understand

Verbal Affirmation

Tangible Recognition

Token Economies

Daily Recognition Forms

Color Cards for Behavior


Communication Home

Notebooks for Management (external link)