

Sponsored Project Budget

MAE156 Budget Form

Each project has a budget agreed upon by the sponsor and course instructor. The budget includes sponsor purchases to support the project, parts purchased by the students, and a fixed machine shopexpense.

Sponsor Purchases $ 0

Student Parts Budget* $ 1500

Fixed shared machine shop expense**$ 1500

Total expense to company $ 3000

*It is the team’s responsibility not to exceed the parts portion of the budget.

**The machine shop expense covers raw materials and expendables used in the machine shop, design studio, and electronics shop. It ranges from $1500 for industry sponsors to as low as $500 for UC Sponsorsand nonprofits. This portion is not available for student purchases.

Describe any special purchasing guidelines

Standard arrangements for 156B purchases require instructor approval for purchases over $250, engineering staff approval for purchases $50 - $250, and student discretion for under $50.

Spawar and sponsor asked that we make purchases through our index account with UCSD and all contribution from the sponsore will be reinbursement to UCSD or a final one time purchase.

Fiscal Contact for Billing Sponsor

Name: Vicki Banh

Telephone: (626)328 6280

Email: vicki.banh@gmail.com

For UCSD Sponsored Projects Only

For UCSD projects an index number is needed before students can begin to order parts. The sponsor can provide the index number directly to the student team, or send it to the MAE156B Engineering Coordinator, Ian Richardson, irichardson@eng.ucsd.edu

Index Number: A

Intellectual Property forms

Students who volunteer to work on industry sponsored projects students sign the Student Participation Agreement that assigns patent rights to the sponsor. Please print these forms from the 156A website, sign them, give them to the sponsor, and a copy to the Ian Richardson in the Product Design Lab or B35.

Not Required

X Required and delivered to sponsor

Webpage Confidentiality

Each team will have a webpage that is developed during the course of the project. Some sponsors prefer that this webpage be password protected during the project (passwords should be removed after 6 monthsafter project completion).

X No password required

Password required on webpage

Sponsor’s name: Jonathan Oiler

Project Title: Underwater Camera Core

Sponsor approval: X Date: 3/18/15

Turn in signed form during the 156A finals week presentation

Fiscal Manager: