Institutional Membership

What Is The VCCA?

The Virginia Community College Association (VCCA) is your professional organization. Membership is open to all community college personnel (to include administration, faculty, adjunct faculty, staff, and wage employees), alumni, board members, and friends of the VCCS.

The VCCA serves as a conduit allowing us to network with each other and to keep abreast of changes in education. In  all 23 of Virginia’s Community Colleges, it’s Systems Office, and the Shared Services Department, our primary function is the same - to educate those who walk through our doors. We perform this task with  pride because that is who we are. Our jobs and responsibilities are numerous, and we each have unique functions;  however, we need each other to accomplish the mission and vision to which our system is dedicated.

We are fortunate to have the VCCA through which to educate ourselves. After all, our respective  agencies are places of higher learning - we should not let our minds grow stagnant. Rejuvenation and continuing education are important contributors toward fulfillment in the workplace. We have many excellent opportunities through the VCCA, and you are encouraged to take an active role in your own personal and professional growth.

What Will It Cost?

Institutional Membership

0 - 500 FTEs  - $400

501 – 1,000 FTEs - $500

1,001 – 2,000 FTEs - $600

2,001 – 3,000 FTEs - $700

3,001 – 5,000 FTEs - $900

5,001 – 7,000 FTEs - $1000

7,001 FTEs – up - $1100

VCCA Membership is coordinated through the VCCA Treasurer and the VCCA Membership Liaison. The College Contacts assist the Treasurer and Membership Liaison in conducting the annual membership drive in March of each year. Contacts at each institution forward the membership lists and dues to the VCCA Treasurer. When possible, the College Contact will coordinate payment of membership dues with the College Business Office to cut one check payable to the VCCA Treasurer (rather than individual checks from individual members).

A database is maintained by the VCCA Membership Liaison of members, date of membership, and classification of the membership by college. This membership list is available to college contacts upon request to the Membership Liaison.

Based on certified membership per institution, the VCCA Treasurer and the VCCA Membership Liaison determine the number of voting delegates for each institution for credentials at the Assembly of Delegates for the annual VCCA conference. Note: Individual and institutional dues must be current at the time of the VCCA annual conference in order to provide voting credentials for all voting delegates to the association .
All content copyright 2018, VCCA. Contact the web coordinator.