Please refer to the Leadership Handbook for the full description and responsibilities of each position briefly described below.
Current members of the Executive Committee consist of the elected positions of President (2 year term), President-elect (2 year term), Past-President (2 year term) , Treasurer (2 year term), Secretary (2 year term) and Members at Large (2 year term) for each of the 4 state regions. It also may include several presidential yearly appointed positions that are deemed necessary for voting and planning Professional Development events for the year. The Executive Committee meet a minimum of 4 times a year, 2 times a year must be in-person according to the VCCA Constitution. Other meetings are scheduled monthly via zoom especially during conference planning and pre-conference meetings. Attendance and participation is expected and required at all of these board meetings to ensure everyone is prepared and aware of their duties and expectations.
Current Commission Officers consist of the elected chairs, co/vice-chairs, secretaries and appointed liaisons to the Executive Committee. These positions are responsible for planning the yearly commission meeting that is held at the annual VCCA conference in addition to soliciting two concurrent session presenters for the yearly conference on topics that are pertinent to the current climate in the VCCS. Another responsibility of these positions is to plan a separate small scale workshop or professional development event based on their commission interest sometime during the year.
Current College Contacts consist of 23 volunteer positions for each college or entity in the VCCS. The main responsibility of this position is widespread dissemination of the VCCS information as received from the VCCA Executive committee elected members at large that will send out information several times a month that need to be sent out to each college's entire community of faculty and staff as soon as it it received in their inbox. College contacts are strongly encouraged to participate in one meeting and to attend the conference each fall in order to stay informed and knowledgeable about the happenings of the VCCA.
Current Delegates consist of those who have been chosen by their respective presidents to attend the conference and vote on motions made and brought to the Executive committee that have to do with changes to the constitution or conference proceedings. Delegates MUST attend the conference and perform the duties outlined in the Leadership handbook for a year from the time they were chosen as the delegate. New delegates are chosen ever year for attendance to the conference.