Book Fair is open from Monday 14 August to Friday 25 August, 2023.
In WEEK 5, students will be browsing during class time and creating their Wishlist.
OPENING HOURS FOR SALES IN WEEK 6 are 8.30-9am & 3-4pm for parents/ carers. Also open lunchtimes for students.

Book Fair Procedures for 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
Reading for pleasure unlocks the power of information and imagination and helps children discover who they are. Here’s what you can do to help children develop stronger reading skills and a love for reading:
Support regular borrowing and returning.
Set the example. Let children see you read.
Have a collection of books in your home. Update this collection routinely to keep up with changing tastes and reading skills.
Support our school’s Book Fair. Allow your children to choose their own books to own.
The theme of our Scholastic Book Fair is Hats off to Reading!
It’s a fun reading event that brings the books kids want to read right into our school. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level.
This is how it will work:
STEP 1: Students browse Book Fair during their Library session in Weeks 5 or 6. They will complete a Wish List and take a catalogue home.
STEP 2: Decide which books you would like to purchase using the Digital Price Catalogue or the student’s Wishlist.
STEP 3: Complete the Wishlist including title and price per book and add up the total cost.
Parents can easily make credit card purchases online:
STEP 4: If paying by credit card, visit
STEP 5: Choose State – NSW and Search for South Grafton Public School.
STEP 6: Complete your details including your name and total payment amount.
STEP 7: Pay online and then write the receipt number on the back of the Wish List or Catalogue.
STEP 8: Student brings receipt number into the Library to collect the books.
STEP 9: Receipt number is checked with Scholastic and books are given.
STEP 10: OR students or parents/ carers may purchase using cash, EFT or credit card in the Library.
Book Fair is open from Monday 14 August to Friday 25 August, 2023.
In WEEK 5 students will be browsing during class time and creating their Wishlist.
OPENING HOURS FOR SALES IN WEEK 6 are 8.30-9am & 3-4pm for parents/ carers. Also open lunchtimes for students.
The Book Character Parade Dress Up Day will be held for students on Tuesday 22 August.
We look forward to your support of our Book Fair. Thank you.