September week 4

Post date: Sep 25, 2018 6:18:34 PM

Dear Parents,

The Unique theme for our class this week is decision making. Students will read their stories with picture support as needed. Students will discuss the stories with their partners. Students will retell the story and focus and vocabulary in the story. Students will play vocabulary Bingo and create sentences utilizing the spelling and vocabulary words. Students continue to work on nouns, pronouns, and proper nouns. We have a field trip coming up on November 14th at Dream Cather Park. In math students continue to use the Unique materials as a class for exposure to different standards. Additionally, they will work on individual IEP goals.Conferences are coming up October 10-12th, please sign up and return the form. We have a field trip coming up on November 14th at Dream Catcher Park. Forms will be coming home soon that will need to be returned.