March Week 4

Post date: Mar 24, 2020 9:30:20 PM

Dear Parents,

I tried contacting all of you today. I left messages for many of you. I hope everyone is healthy and doing well!

I have prepared packets of work for your children.

Please, stop by the front of the school this week to pick them up on Thursday or Friday at 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM or 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM or 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM.

I will be here out front from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM on Thursday.

If you have any questions please email or call at (623) 876- 1432). Please, leave a message if I do not answer and I will get back to you shortly.

With the work being sent home just have students do the best they can. They should be familiar with most of the work being sent home. They may need prompting, guidance, and supervision at times. Most of my students should be able to work independently on the math I sent home. Some may need assistance. Please, bring their folders back next week with their completed work and pick up their new work.

I will get back to you if their are any changes to the days or times.

Please, reference the district website for updates.

Thank you all for your support!