
Post date: May 11, 2020 8:17:0 PM

Dear Parents,

I wanted to remind you that May 14th is the final drop off for completed work. If you have work that is not completed that will not impact your child's grade. All of you have done a great job completing and returning work on a regular basis.

Your child's IEP progress report for quarter 4 will be emailed to you during the last week of school.

Your child's report card will be available on the parent portal during the last week of school. I will also email you the grades your child received.

I have enjoyed working with all of you and your children this year! Some of you I will see again in August and some of you will be going in different directions. I wish the best for all of you! If you have any questions please, email me. Also, if you could please, respond to this email and acknowledge that you received it I would appreciate it.