*Summer Reading

Thank you so much for your support of your child's reading! Studies have shown that if our kids don't practice their reading, they will regress in skills. Basically, if they don't use it, they'll lose it! We want to keep our kids reading, and we've created a Summer Reading Program for our Elementary and Middle School Students.

Our Elementary through Middle School Summer Reading Program is administered through our BeanStack reading tracker program for returning students (new students, your information will not yet be in the system, so you'll do a paper log for this summer--found at the bottom of this page--and we'll get you set up on Beanstack during the school year).

See the documents below for more information, and be sure to take advantage of your local public library's summer reading program, too--they'll most likely have lots of great programming!

Check out these book recommendations and ebook resources to keep you reading over the summer:

ComicsPlus—a curated subscription collection of online comics; students must be logged in to their Denver Academy email account to use. 

NoveList—a tool that helps connect readers with books! You can use NoveList to find “read-alikes,” book lists, reviews, and more. Off campus, our username is denveracademy and password is Mustangs2024! To view a screencast about this resource, go here.

Denver Public Library's Book List Builder--a librarian will create a personalized book list tailored to your interests and reading level.

Scholastic BookWizard—a powerful tool that helps you find books at the appropriate level.

Scholastic Reading Level List—a visual of how all of the reading levels match up.

Lexile's Find a Book, Colorado—a website that helps you find books at your Lexile level (and will help you estimate your Lexile level if needed).

Follett eBooks—scroll to the bottom of the page to take a look at our ebook collection! Student logins are the student's last name plus the first 2 letters of their first name; their passwords are their login information combined with the numbers 123 at the end (for example, john smith would be smithjo; smithjo123). We also have a guest login of guest; guest123. To view a screencast about our eBooks, go here.

Feel free to contact Jolene Gutiérrez, Denver Academy Librarian, at 303-777-5870 or jgutierrez @ denveracademy . org if you have any questions.

DA's summer reading program 24.pdf
DA's summer reading program new families 24.pdf