*Jennifer Ward

Virtual Author visit with Jennifer Ward!

On April 30, our Elementary classes were able to meet award-winning author Jennifer Ward in virtual author visits. Jennifer generously donated her time, and one of the best ways to thank her is to purchase one of her books through our Tattered Cover book fair (running now through May 17). Our teachers, librarian, and Jennifer have all read some of Jennifer’s books to the students, so they’ll likely have some favorites.

Jennifer Ward is a former teacher and author of 26 published books. As she talked with Denver Academy students, Jennifer shared her own struggles with writing. When Jennifer was young, writing was a challenge for her, but she loved making her own books out of folded paper. In this process that she calls “sneaky writing,” Jennifer practiced writing and illustrating. She loved that the books she made were just for her and that she wasn’t graded on them—this allowed her to make mistakes as a writer and illustrator. She told our students, “Mistakes are important because you learn from them.” Jennifer writes primarily about animals and nature, and she showed our students her childhood books as well as what her writing process looks like now. Students were able to see early manuscripts, notes from editors, and early sketches from illustrators. Jennifer encouraged all of our students to create their own work—and from poetry to comics, many of our students already are! If students are interested in having the work published, Jennifer encouraged them to check out Stone Soup, a publication written by and for kids.

B writing her own story during Jennifer Ward's presentation.

Jennifer Ward shows one of her childhood stories.

Jordan enjoys storytime with Jennifer Ward.

Isaac's ready to ask a question!