
Official Color Scheme

The DDOT color scheme helps defines DDOT as a dynamic and progressive organization. Consistent use of these colors creates a repeated visual impression that the public will recognize and associate with DDOT.

PMS 524 Blue is DDOT’s primary color and should be featured in both internal and external communication pieces. Both secondary colors should be used with discretion in order to avoid detracting from our primary brand color.

White space and an uncluttered background also play an integral role in defining the visual cues for the DDOT brand.

DDOT’s colors are specified according to the Pantone Color Matching System. Based on that standard, four-color (CMYK), RGB, and Hexadecimal equivalents should be used for print, electronic displays, and web applications respectively.

Both solid and gradient applications of these colors may be used as backgrounds for white text, however, gradients must maintain adequate contrast with the white text to ensure legibility.