The DDOT Brand

The DDOT Brand

The District Department of Transportation brand is more than just a logo. It’s the visual vocabulary the agency uses to communicate the mission and values. The DDOT Brand should be applied carefully and consistently to maintain a coherent and effective visual tone.


The DDOT logo is the principal symbol of the agency. It is composed of two elements:

        1. The DDOT mark

        2. The District Department of Transportation title.

These two elements should always be used as outlined in this guide. The proportion of the elements, their shape, and visual attributes should remain unchanged.


Bold and distinctive, the DDOT color scheme helps define DDOT as a dynamic and progressive organization. Consistent use of these colors creates a repeated visual impression that the public will recognize and associate with DDOT.

Swoosh & Tagline

The DDOT swoosh and “d. delivers” tagline are secondary branding elements that embody DDOT’s active and energetic role in the community.

Custom Designs

Custom logos should not be created without the explicit approval of the DDOT Brand Manager and the Public information Officer.

Third-Party Branding

Materials being submitted to an entity that requires specific document formatting (i.e. grant proposals) should adhere to those formatting rules and feature the DDOT logo, as applicable.