How Much Do You Know?
Directions: To the best of your ability, write whether each of the following statements is TRUE or FALSE.
1. _____Mexico was under Spanish rule for three centuries.
2. _____The Mexicans currency is called the Lira.
3. _____Mexico borders on the United States and Nicaragua.
4. _____Mexico’s main natural resources are petroleum, silver, gold and timber.
5. _____The population of Mexico is over 300 million.
6. _____The majority of the Mexican population identify themselves as Protestants.
7. _____Spanish is the only language spoken in Mexico.
8. _____The government in Mexico is organized as a monarchy.
9. _____Almost ninety percent of the Mexican population over fifteen can read and write.
10. _____Mexico’s primary trading partner is Venezuela.
11. _____Income distribution throughout the population of Mexico is very unequal.
12. _____The only natural disasters experienced in Mexico are earthquakes.
13. _____The current leader of Mexico is Ernesto Zedillo.
14. _____The country of Mexico is divided into fifty states.
15. _____The primary ethnic group in Mexico is Mestizo.
16. _____Independence day is celebrated on September 16th in Mexico.
17. _____The climate and terrain of Mexico are consistent throughout the country and the year.
18. _____Only men are allowed in the Mexican military.