Writing Social Studies Questions

So, Mr. Schulman is making you write questions for something?

Use these question starters to help!


What was a result of...?

Which situation was the immediate cause of...?

Which of the following is the best differentiation between... and...?


What caused... to...?

Which event was most inconsistent with...?

Which of the following best explains the difference between...?

In general, what is the difference between...?

Which of the following describes...? is the best description of...?

What does this statement demonstrate about...?

Which of the following best describes the similarities between...?

Which belief is shared by... and...?

What is one way in which... and... are similar?

The issue of... was settled by which of the following?

In what order do the above elements... take place during...?


What key activity does this illustration depict?

What event is portrayed in the illustration above?

In what document can... be found?

Who said, “...”?

Using the map, what direction would one go in order to travel from...to...?

Using the map, where would you go to find...?

The illustration appeared in response to which of the following?

Above is an editorial cartoon from... that was intended to illustrate which of the following?

Which is a primary source of information about...?

Using the map, what was the largest city in...?

Which of the following words refers to...? describes...?

Which of the following is a synonym for...?

How can the information in this chart be applied to... ?

What evidence is there that...?

How do... apply to...?

What does the problem of... show?

According to the graph above, what does this evidence indicate?

Which of these terms means...?

In what way has... impacted...?

Using the map above, which city is located closest to... ° ...?

Which is the cause of...?

What was one reason for the development of...?

The main disagreement between... revolved around which of the following?

Which generalization is best supported by...?

In..., what is the main political goal of...?


Which factor had the largest impact on...?

Which of the following was a main cause of...?

The most significant feature was which of the following?

Which... was responsible for... as shown in the map above?

Why was... significant?

In the selection, what did... mean?

What was one impact of...?

Which generalization concerning... is most clearly supported by the information provided by the graph?

In the quote above, why does the author state that...?

This is a political cartoon of.... What does the artist want to express?

The picture above is an example of.... These... were intended to do which of the following?

Why was this poster used during...?

Why did...? Why was...?

How has... affected...?

How did... change the way in which...?

What is the function of...?

Which of the following advantages did... have over...?

What challenges do... face in...? (foils list attributes)

Which of the following best explains the challenges... faced in...?

What are the components of...?

During..., which of the following terms was created?

Which of the following ideas during... validated...?

Which of the following events was a cause of the other three events?

What is the reason for...? ...major reason...? ...primary reason...?

What was the main idea of this cartoon?

Which concept is illustrated in this diagram?

Which statement would most likely be spoken by... and not by...?

According to the map above, which generalization about... is most accurate?

In..., which aspect of society has been most heavily influenced by...?

Which values are most closely associated with...?

Which political idea would the author of this statement most likely support?

What was the main purpose of...?

What was one effect of...?

The... in the cartoon above represents which of the following?

Which of the following best depicts the effect of... and its impact on...?

Which of the following best explains the effects... has had on...?

Which of the following is the main reason why...?

Which of the following theories explains why...?

According to the selection above, what was the biggest difference between...?

Which speaker describes most clearly the political situation that actually occurred after...?

Which conditions are most characteristic of...?

Why did... make this statement?

...changed political thinking because it supported the idea of what?

What does... symbolize?


What is the following statement describing for...?

What might... in the illustration above represent?

What can be inferred from this statement?

Which of the following explains the importance of...?

Which of the following inferences motivated... to...?

Which of the following best explains the reason why...?

(a), (b), and (c) are major world problems that indicate a need for which of the following?

(a), (b), and (c) are methods most often used by whom?

Why was... a major contribution to the development of...?

These rules reflect what policy?

The economic success of... will most likely lead to which of the following?

What would be an expected result of...?

What would result if...?

Which of the following is the best prediction of what would happen if...?

What would the most likely reason be for...?

Which statement about the civilizations... can best be inferred by the information on the map above?

In the cartoon above, there are.... What idea might this represent?

This cartoon implies which of the following?


The passing of (a), (b), and (c) did which of the following?

This cartoon, which reflects the period from... to..., suggests which of the following?

What challenges have many... faced in recent years?

Which of the following is the best generalization about the information in the chart on forms of ...?

Which of the following statements best generalizes...? ...describes...?

...might not have been so eager to do which of the following if...?

Which of these best summarizes why...?

Which was an immediate result of...?

What are two ways that... affected...?

Integrating (continued)

The geography of... has generally led to which of the following?

(a), (b), and (c) were all significant to their societies because they established what?

(a), (b), and (c) share a belief in which of the following?

(a), (b), and (c). These most closely reflect which of the following ideas?

In..., the primary goal of... has been to do what?

During..., what was the most notable action taken by...?

Which two speakers disagree most with each other about...?

What is the author of this statement advocating?

Which characteristic of... is part of...?

What was the main obstacle to solve the problem shown in the cartoon?

What is a valid conclusion that can be drawn from this quotation?

What relationship exists between... and...?

The history of... and the policy of... both illustrate a belief in which of the following?

Which conclusion is supported by the information provided on the map?

Using the map above, what conclusion can be made concerning...?

What general statement can be made about...?

What conclusion can be drawn from the statement...?


Which of the following best describes...?

Which statement best describes...? best explains why...? best expresses the main idea of...?

Which statement is correct about...?

Which of the following statements is true concerning...?

This quotation presents a justification for which of the following?

Data from this graph support the conclusion that... did which of the following?

How did... justify... to bring about change?

Which of the following is the best interpretation of the information in the chart above?

What was the significance of...?

Which of the following statements about... is an opinion?

Which of the following is a valid conclusion about... in...?

Which statement about the effects of... is most logical?

This quotation best expresses the major goal of which of the following?

Which statement concerning... is most accurate?

This selection describes the decision... to do which of the following?

This map best illustrates which of the following concepts?

Which conclusion can best be drawn from these statements?

Which event is directly responsible for the inclusion of this statement about...?

Which of the following best completes the statement...?

Which speakers best represent the attitudes of...?

Which of the following statements provides the best evidence that...?

Write better answer choices!

    • Keep Option Lengths Similar - avoid making your correct answer the long or short answer

    • Balance the Placement of the Correct Answer - don't always pick C, for example

    • Be Grammatically Correct - keep everything simple and don't use weird phrases or long words

    • Avoid Clues to the Correct Answer - avoid answering one question in the test by giving the answer somewhere else in the question or test

    • Use Only One Correct Option - be sure the best option is clearly the ONLY and best

    • option

  • Use Only a Single, Clearly-Defined Problem and Include the Main Idea in the Question

    • Avoid the “All of the Above” Option and Avoid the “None of the Above” Option