Social Studies Channel 8

On SchulMart Social Studies Channel 8...

Did you know you can access the Social Studies textbook online? Yes, you can! Go to NC Edcloud and select this:

That's the textbook! And it comes with other study resources too! Use it!

North Carolina Stuff!

Local & NC History Information: What's going on around here? Find out! SchulMart will fill you in!

Ye Olde SchulMart!

Ye Olde SchulMart: Colonial and Precolumbian America, Sponsored by SchulMart!

The Constitution Series

Constitution Part 1: Prequel: AOC is A-OK!: The Articles of Confederation rocks... not!

Constitution Part 2: The Bridges of James Madison County: Constitutional Convention and compromise, The Bridges of James Madison County has it all!

The 1800s, SchulMart style!

Rip Van Winkle: What could be funner than being the Rip Van Winkle State?! NOTHING! Find out all about it and other early 1800s stuff -- with SchuMart style!

SchulMart Civil War: The Avengers have nothing on TEAM STAMPY! Stampy and his friends will teach you all about the Civil War... as only SchulMart can do!

Trolleys R Us: Who other than SchulMart can bring you the style and flair of the Fin de Siècle? No one! and if anyone says they can, send them straight to LD4U!

The Twentieth Century, in all of its Schulmazing Splendor!

SchuMart Speakeasy: All about World War I, Roaring 20s, Great Depression, and New Deal! No bootleg Oreos, we promise*! *unless you know the password, that is!

SchulMart WW2 Videos: WW2 built Mr. Schulman's home town. Find out more now... you know you want to! And, check our new Virtual Museum!

Civil Rights: The struggle for equality has been long and difficult... learn more about it today!

SchulModern stuff!

Postwar America: Stuff so modern, even Mr. Schulman can remember some of it happening!

SchulMastercard: Your Credit & Finance Headquarters!

Time to Testify!

Need to prepare for your Social Studies Mid Term Test? SchulMart has your back!