Atomic Scale Hero's Journey

Once upon a time, there was a little atom called Beryllium. Beryllium lived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and his lifelong dream was to lose his two valence electrons. He hated his valence electrons because they were always hanging around him and making his electron shell feel incomplete. One day, he was floating down the road with his best atom friends towards their nucleus houses. They were his best friends because they had almost everything in common, but mainly they all were the smallest components of an element. His friends told him that there was a noble gas coming to town, his name was Xenon and he could help Beryllium get rid of his two valence electrons since he had no valence electrons himself. Beryllium couldn’t believe it he had been hoping to find a chance to drop his electrons just the night before! He broke into a fast float toward his nucleus that was always full of positivity. Beryllium couldn’t wait to tell his parents, who were always super positive because they were protons. When Beryllium’s parents heard the news, they were delighted. But Beryllium’s brother who was a neutron thought the news was not exciting and Beryllium’s sister, an electron was so negative about the news.

When the noble gas, Xenon came to town, Beryllium was beside himself. He was the first in line when Xenon set up his tent. As he came in Xenon said that he was already anticipating Beryllium and had lots to tell him. Xenon began, he told Beryllium that he would begin his adventure to lose his valence electron as soon as the sun rose the next day. But he would face danger and the evil Lord Isotope and his group of mischievous ions. The ions would be one of Beryllium’s challenges because they all had different numbers of electrons. Beryllium was thrilled that he would finally lose his troublesome valence electrons, but he was a little scared too. He had never seen ions before and didn’t have the faintest idea on how to beat them. That night before he went to sleep Beryllium thought about his upcoming adventure and what would happen along the way.

The next morning Beryllium woke up right when the sun rose and gathered up all the things he needed and set off with his village waving farewell and good luck to him. Beryllium walked along the path that the travelers traveled on. He walked all day and stopped to rest at a clearing near the path at night. This routine continued for a few days until one-day Beryllium was walking and around noon, he spotted a village just down the hill he was on. Beryllium started to sprint down the hill until he reached the village. When he got to the village, he saw a big crowd in the center of the street. Beryllium walked closer, that’s when he saw something that was dreaded by everyone…. a chemical reaction!

Beryllium got closer and saw a strange, evil-looking element. That element was standing with a group of atoms that had the same atomic number as it. Beryllium suddenly realized that the element had been changed by wicked ions to an evil element. He remembered Xenon telling him that ions were the minions of the villainous Lord Isotope. Beryllium saw an evil ion staring straight at him and decided it was time to leave. He ran out of the village, for the traveler’s road. He decided he would head south for Jamestown.

After what seemed like months of walking, Beryllium finally reached Jamestown. He went straight to an atom and asked where their fortune teller was. The atom pointed Beryllium in the direction of the fortune teller when he had found the teller Beryllium got straight to the point. He asked how he could defeat Lord Isotope and his ions. The fortune teller didn’t know how to defeat the evil Lord Isotope, but he could tell Beryllium how to defeat the ions. Beryllium listened carefully as the teller told him that each ion had a riddle that only they knew the answer to, whoever guessed the answer would defeat it. Lord Isotope was defeated that way too, except he had three riddles that had to be answered correctly. The element that answered all the riddles correctly could have any wish granted to them. After thanking the fortune teller, Beryllium got up and continued on his way to find Lord Isotope somehow.

While walking down the traveler’s road Beryllium thought about how he could encounter Lord Isotope again. He thought and thought and thought. Of course! Lord Isotope must have a fortress. Beryllium went from village to village trying to see if someone knew where Lord Isotope lived until he stumbled upon one village where an old group of elements told him. This group, however, had the same properties as the evil ions did, the ability to change an element to an evil element. This was because they used to work for Lord Isotope, but got tired of him so they left. The old group told Beryllium that he could find Lord Isotope staying in the ruins of the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Beryllium graciously thanked the old group and started a determined march to Lord Isotope’s hideout.

Beryllium marched toward the ruins of the Lost Colony, facing a few minor dangers like a giant atom with one valence electron that wanted to kill him, a deceiving anion who wanted to capture him and more. But Beryllium was not going to give up and escaped those dangers with ease. At last, Beryllium was finally starting to see signs of Lord Isotope. As he got closer to Roanoke, he saw villages that had to house the evil ions. Beryllium also saw innocent neutron get massacred by the malicious ions and electrons dumping masses of Lord Isotope’s brainwashing electromagnetics.

After a week of walking and marching Beryllium finally got to the entrance of the ruins of the Lost Colony of Roanoke. Beryllium cautiously stepped forward, he saw no ions, so he started to carefully walk towards Lord Isotope’s fortress looming near the middle of the island. All of a sudden two ions appeared out of the mist. Beryllium saw them at the last moment and tried to run, but they caught him before he could start. The first one asked his riddle: What belongs to you, but others use it more than you?. Beryllium thought about that one. Easy! Your name. He was correct and the first ion disintegrated in front of him. Then it was the second ion’s turn, he also got that one right. Beryllium continued on towards the fortress, but more ions saw him and asked him their riddles. He answered the riddles correctly and kept on going. After answering many riddles, it seemed that Beryllium had defeated all the ions. He quickly walked into the fortress and ran straight into Lord Isotope. Lord Isotope knew what Beryllium wanted after spying on him during his journey, but wasn’t going to give Beryllium his wish. Lord Isotope started with his first riddle: Which creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening? Beryllium thought about that riddle for a moment and said with feigned confidence that the answer was Man. Lord Isotope winced in pain but quickly recovered. He asked Beryllium the next riddle: At night they come without being fetched. By day they are lost without being stolen. What are they? Beryllium immediately knew the answer to this riddle. “Stars!”, he cried. This time Lord Isotope almost doubled over in pain. After he had recovered, he asked his last riddle in a quavery voice: All about, but cannot be seen, can be captured, cannot be held, no throat, but can be heard. This one was the trickiest for Beryllium, he had to stop and think, while Lord Isotope smirked at Beryllium. Then the answer came to him. “The wind.”, Beryllium said quietly. Lord Isotope cried out in pain and started to shrink and shrink until he was no bigger than Beryllium. “What is your wish Beryllium?”, Lord Isotope whispered defeatedly. Beryllium told Lord Isotope that his wish was to get rid of his two valence electrons and Lord Isotope waved his arm and the valence electrons disappeared. Then Lord Isotope disappeared too into thin air.

Beryllium had gotten his wish finally and started his long journey home. After several months, Beryllium returned to the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the people rejoiced with him. And Beryllium lived happily ever after.

Read about these Legends of Science, whose adventures have been immortalized in the Atomic Scale Hero's Journey... sponsored by SchulMart!


For Calcium!

Owen Rhoden

The year was 1607 when we first arrived at jamestown when me ( Sir Beryllium) and my brother Sir Calcium jr, were riding are delicate horses out to this trading market in the middle of Jamestown which was surrounded by lots and lots of Algonquian tribes and me and my brother both each had 2 valence electrons but around here we call them valleys to get 4 loaves of bread to bring back to mother Stronthum. As we arrived there we searched for the bread for about 5 minutes and then we were stopped by something life changing. This rebel element part of the Alkali gang it was probably Sodium Shadow Walker, known for his rebellious acts at this part of town but it was too hard to tell because of his mask. He pointed a large, black and shiny Handgun at an old atom telling her that if she did not give him her Valleys then he would shoot her. But as this Old and small Atom Titanium seemed to be she refused to give him her valleys and Sodium Shadow Walker delivered what he promised and Valleys and blood went everywhere covering every element at the trading market. As me and my brother stood there in frozen terror, Sodium Shadow Walker walked up to us and said “now you two don’t want that to happen to you do you now?” “No sir.” I nervously exclaimed. “So hand them over.” As he asked I handed my beloved Valleys over to now the terrifying killer. Then I looked over to my brother anxiously. “Come on bro, just hand them over!” But as stubborn as my brother has always been, he refused. “Look kid I don’t want to have to kill anyone else, but I will, if you don’t hand them over.” Said Sodium Shadow Walker. Then for a second I looked back if anyone was there and then all a sudden boom, I hear the fearsome bullet being shot. Instantly I look back and see my Brother lying on the floor and everything around us painted in a dark shade of red. In the distance I saw Sodium Shadow Walker galloping away on Calcium’s horse. Then I looked down at my brother and he was hanging on his last breath to tell me “Kill him kill all of Alkali.”

Present Day

It’s now been four years since the murder of my brother and I have not accepted his death yet but now since i’m older and I realize that I need to live up to my Brother’s last fafer, i'm going to take on the Alkali gang, there leader Dr.Isotope and his minions, the Ions known for changing Atom’s to the positive side or the negative. But I know I can’t do this alone and it’s in the winter and jamestown is know for harsh winters like the winter of 1610 we only had the population of 100 people due to disease and other conditions, i’ll need a team.

So i’m going to set out to find some old family friends. First stop the Halogens. The roads and weather were terrible to get there, I even had to get a new wheel for my carriage because the wheel could not take the long bumpy road. Then finally I got here “Ah finally at the Halogens.” I exclaimed while stretching my legs. Crunch, crunch, crunch as I walked up there rocky path. Ding, Dong then immediately Ms. Halogen opened the door. “Oh hi Beryllium, long time no see.” Said Ms.Halogen. “Hello Ms.Halogen.” I said slightly enthused. “Come in, Come in, don’t want to keep you waiting out here.” She said welcoming. “I’m sorry but i’m really in a rush, me and Chlorine are going on a vacation and we will be late if we don’t hurry.” I lied. “Oh ok, whoop, there he is now.” Said Ms. Halogen. “Come on we got to go, now!” I yelled rushed. “Um, ok.” He said confused. Badump badump, as we rode down the bumpy road to go get electron shells aka armor to keep us balanced from the positive and negative side. “Hey dude are you going to tell me where were going?!” He asked infuriated for not telling him. “You remember two years ago when my brother was murdered?” I asked. “Of course how could I forget.” He said sadly remembering what happened. “Well I know who killed them, it was the alkali gang and I know where they are located because when my dad was still alive he worked as a cop undercover and he even told me to stay away from that part of town.” I said. “Ok, well let's kill these fools for killing your brother and many others.

“Hey why are we here?” Chlorine asked. “Were getting electron shells to fight.” I said. Knock, knock, knock, “Who is it.” Questioned the strange atom. “Were here for the two electron shells.” I answered. “Oh ok, that will be 100 valleys.” He said. “Ok here you go.” As I handed over the valleys. “Come on Chlorine lets go.” I said rushingly. So we rode about 3 miles west in our carriage then we arrived to there base.

“Come on let's go take care of business.” said Chlorine angrily. “Dang it dude you know what we left?” I asked knowing the answer.” “What?” Asked Chlorine. “We forgot Neutron’s, literally the best weapon out there since there is no electric charge interfering with the gun.” I said mad at myself for forgetting the guns. After some thinking Chlorine said “Wait dude I have an idea you see that guard at the main entrance of the gate?” Asked Chlorine? “Yeah what about it?” I asked unethustasticly thinking that he would have a bad idea. “Well I’ll go up there and distract him and you come up from behind and take him out and take his gun. Chlorine explained. “Ok sounds good I guess, but what are you going to talk to him about to distract him? I asked thinking that he would not have an answer. “You’ll see!” He exclaimed. “Ok suit yourself.” I said. So he walked right on up to the guard. “He can you look at this?” Chlorine asked. “Look at what?” said the confused guard. “How do you not see it just look!” Chlorine said acting mad. Then all of a sudden I snuck up on the guard and knocked him out. “Nice Dude!” Exclaimed Chlorine surprised. “Ok dude let's go and finish them off.” I said as I picked up the sub-machine gun. Knock, Knock, knock, I knocked on the door waiting for an answer. Then finally someone came out. Then I just started spraying the bullutes everywhere and the gang members were dropping left and right like flies. Me and Chlorine went all throughout the house finding no one until we came across this huge confrence like room and noticed that almost thirty men were standing in there around a table. So me and Chlorine walked in there firing tons and tons of bullets and shells were going all over the place. Finally we stopped until there was one person left.

Me and Chlorine walked over to the guy scared out of his mind and I asked him “You better tell me this right now or you'll find a bullet in your head, where is Sodium Shadow Walker?” “I don’t know who you're talking about dude, I’ve never heard that name in my life!” He yelled. “Look i’m going to ask you this one more time or it’s going to happen, where is he?!” I asked angrily. “Dude i’m telling you i’ve never heard that name in my life now would you just let me go!” He yelled again. Then I put my gun up to his head and said “You have to the count of three, one, two, thr…” I was stopped. “Ok, ok I’ll tell you he is at this address, 1274 Yolo Dr. with our boss Dr.Isotope.” Boom, I fired my gun even though what he told me was true. “Come on Chlorine lets go.” I said waiting to Kill Sodium Shadow Walker.

After a good thirty minutes in the carriage to get to the address we finally made it to this sketchy neighborhood. As we were walking up to the house we heard this shoot being fired from behind us, then I looked behind us and it was Dr.Isotope standing next to Sodium Shadow Walker. “Ha, ha, ha you finally found us after all these years.” Said Sodium wickedly. “Well don’t just stand there, bring it on!” So me and Sodium walked to each other as Dr.Isotope and Chlorine watched from afar. Then me and Sodium went at, boom, pow, pow, punch after punch we fought each other. Then Sodium swiped my feet from me and I fell hardly hitting the asphalt. “Ha, ha not so tough now hugh?” Sodium asked. But while all of this was going on Dr.Isotope was slowly getting away inch by inch. Then Boom, Chlorine noticed him trying to get away but then he shoot and killed him. Chlorine just stood there looking at the body in shock. Then out of nowhere he was talking and shoot by Sodium. “That’s what you deserve.” Sodium said. Chlorine looked and said what I needed the most “For Calcium.” Then I saw a pin in Chlorine’s mouth and a grenade in his hand and then Booooooooooooooom! The grenade went off and that was the last I saw of Sodium Shadow walker and Chlorine and I was left there sitting with a harsh ringing in my ears and a face covered in blood, sweat and tears.