SchulMart Museum

The SchulMart Museum highlights the cool stuff from our awesome Schulminions which is on display or archived at SchulMart. We have the best stuff from the coolest people! It's everywhere in SchulMart. Best of all... free admission with your SchulMart VIC Card! (Regular price is infinity plus 5 dollars)

Draw King Stampy!

Enjoy a tour of our museum!

Admire the awesomeness of our cool Schulminions!

Schulmazing stuff ready for you to discover!

Here are some of our treasures!

Crown in español by Casey

Science set from Katie

SchulperBowl banner by Brittany

CHMS Avengers logo by Carter

Awesome SchulMart logo by Ethan

Glaxnor the Alien, from Justin

Tennessee flag from Connell

Origami SchulMart dude by Justin

Mr Quackers from Juan

Kermit from Jack

SchulMart Crown by Sam

Damage and repairs by Asher

Mini SchulMart origami star by Mia

Mr. Bones' Tennessee beads from Janet & Ella

Mr. Scribbles from Carter

Mr. Sparkles from Naomi