SchulMart Energy


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  1. How is wind power harvested?

  2. How can wind energy impact the environment?

  3. How do you convert wind to energy?

  4. What is wind energy?

  5. What are three uses of wind?

  6. What is wind caused by?

  7. What is one negative effect of wind turbines?

  8. What is one advantage of wind power?

  9. Is this energy renewable or non-renewable?


  1. What are some ways to conserve energy?

  2. What is an example of motion energy?

  3. What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy?

  4. What are the different types of energy?

  5. What is the difference between gravitational potential energy and potential energy?

  6. What are examples of biomass?


  1. What are 5 main gases make up Earth’s atmosphere?

  2. What is global climate change mostly caused by?

  3. Global Warming helps us come to a conclusion about _____.

  4. List three ways humans can prevent global warming.

  5. The mystery gas lines the atmosphere of a planet. The mystery gas is absent on another planet’s atmosphere that is the same distance from the sun. The planet with the mystery gas is much warmer. Is the mystery gas a greenhouse gas? How do you know?


  1. What is Biomass?

  2. What are some examples of Biomass energy?

  3. What are some risks of Biomass energy?

  4. Are there any beneficial effects of using Biomass energy?

  5. Where does Biomass energy come from most of the time?

  6. What are ways to use Biomass energy ?


  1. Which isotope of uranium is used to create nuclear energy?

  2. What are rocks that contain uranium called?

  3. What are the 6 ways uranium is produced?

  4. What percent of energy in the United States does Uranium provide?

  5. What is Uranium used to create?

  6. What are the some of the pros of using uranium for nuclear energy?

  7. What are some of the cons of using uranium for nuclear energy?

  8. Name 3 things that uranium is used for.


  1. What is the difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency?

  2. How many times more energy does the average American use compared to the world average?

  3. Does a compact fluorescent light bulb use more, less, or the same as traditional light bulbs?

  4. Which lasts longer: A compact fluorescent light bulb or a traditional light bulb?

  5. How much does the average household spend on electrical bills?

  6. Which household item uses the most water?

  7. Name 4 types of renewable energy.


  1. How much electricity in the US do the hydro-powered plants produce?

  2. Why do you need flowing water to create energy?

  3. Briefly explain how dams convert hydropower into energy:

  4. Why is hydropower a good source of energy?

  5. What is an example of how the usage of land for the dams are detrimental?

  6. Name one way marine life can be harmed from dams:


  1. Where do we get solar energy from?

  2. What type of device do we use to harness the energy from the sun?

  3. What do solar panels have on them that converts sunlight to electricity?

  4. How does solar energy impact the environment?

  5. Can we run out of solar energy?

  6. How widespread is solar power in the U.S.A?

  7. How is solar power collected?

  8. What are solar panels made of?

  9. What are some limitations of solar power?


1. How does electricity work?

2. How do you find electric power?

3. What is the strength of a current measured in?

4. What does Ohm's measure?

5. What is Ohm's Law and what does it mean?

6. How does electricity relate to money?

7. What is a load?


1. What is natural gas?

2. How is natural gas produced?

3. What impact does it have on the environment?

4. How is it utilized?

5. What are the 4 main processes for filtering natural gas?

6. What are the byproducts produced by the burning of natural gas?

    • Growing Appetites, Limited Resources – explores the impacts of energy use, the issue of dwindling resources, and the need for alternatives.

    • Energy Defined – covers the basics of this abstract property, what energy is, how it's conserved, and what makes some forms more useful than others.

    • Putting Energy to Use – explains that making use of energy often involves converting it into other forms.

    • A Never-Ending Supply – explains what makes a renewable a renewable and explores some of the more promising alternative energy sources available.

    • Solar Power – covers the basics of capturing the enduring energy of the Sun and converting it into other forms, especially electrical energy.

    • Wind Power – explains how wind can be captured and transformed into electrical energy and explores some of the challenges of using wind to power cities.

    • Solving the Storage Problem – explores the need for storage, namely the intermittent nature of many renewable resources and explains why this is not an easy problem to solve.

    • Toward a Smarter Grid – looks at the state of the current electric power grid and explains how making the grid "smarter" will make it both more reliable and more efficient.

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