VIC Cards

With your SchulMart VIC Card, you save 20% throughout the store - everything from Kermit Appreciation Day cards to giant cat pizzas to Mr. Stampy's favorite inks! Special bonus double stamp days, the Schul-per Bowl and other events for our best customers are just part of the fun of the SchulMart experience! Not convinced yet? Just ask some of our real-life customers! All VIC Card holders in 8th grade and high school get double stamps every day!

    • "SchulMart has the best ink ever! Their blue ink is wonderful. Sometimes I get black ink too just to mix it up. Either way, I know I can count on SchulMart for the finest in inks." -- Mr. Stampy

    • "I turn to SchulMart for all of my flies and fly supplies. After all, time's fun when you're having flies!" -- Kermit

    • "Meow meow meow. Purr meow purr purr. Meow meow purr purr meow." -- Mr. Schulman's Cat

    • "SchulMart has the best prices on inflatable Tennessee helmets. I'd never shop anywhere else!" -- Mr. Bones

    • "Life without the convenience, great selection and low prices of SchulMart sure would be RUFF!" -- Mr. Schulman's next door neighbor's dog