
Mountain Image

Hello All!

I appreciate you taking the time out to view my webpage. I am ecstatic to start off this school year and I am looking forward to meeting your students!

On this website you will find the following information( per class subpage):

  • Syllabuses for each class

  • Updated assignments/ homework/ tests etc

Thank you again for visiting my webpage and I look forward to starting this exciting scientific journey with your student!!

College letter of recommendation

If you would like me to write your college recommendation, please do the following:

1 - Ask me first. Its always a good idea to ask in person( please do not assume that I will just say yes!) I would at least like 2 months ( before it is due) to write a letter.

2- Request me on Naviance

3- Fill out THIS questionnaire. It will help me write the best letter I can.

Please fill this out as soon as you can.