Honors Physics AGENDA( 21-22)

Just a note: All things will be turned into CANVAS( unless otherwise stated). To find assignments to turn in go to CANVAS and look at the to-do tab( it should appear there). Most times links to places will be provided but if not you know where to link. If a link is in error please send me an email.

August 23


What is this course about?

What is Physics?'

Get to know your groups


  1. Read syllabus, safety form and sign THIS form

  2. Get a binder( with paper) OR a notebook for physics

  3. Read THIS intro to our first lab that we will do next class period

August 24

Topics covered in course

Physics Math Pretest

Go over race car design lab

  • Discuss how to write an introduction and procedure( practice)

  • Groups discuss how they want to take data


  1. Write sample introduction due Thursday August 26 - turn in HERE

  2. Science and Technology interview- Due August 31

August 26

Discuss science & society

Go over math pre-test

Go over sample introduction and procedures

Discussion: Data Tables

Groups take official data and record according to guidelines/ adjust procedure if necessary

Discussion: Error found in lab


  1. Work on Science and Society Interview( due next Tuesday 8/31). A place to submit will appear in CANVAS on Monday

  2. Write out your procedure and create a data table of your data from Race Car Design( on paper to submit Monday). Lab will be due September 13th. In class we will be covering the main ideas of the lab and time will briefly will be spent going over analysis/conclusion. If you require extra help OR if you have questions speak to me.

August 30

Discuss procedure and data tables

Discussion: How to create a graph

Groups spend time creating graphs using data( create by hand!)

Notes: Significant figures with in class practice- if time


  1. Science & Technology- due tomorrow. Submit HERE

  2. Significant figures worksheet- due tomorrow

  3. Create your graph for your buggy lab using graph paper and according to the guidelines( see graph link above)

August 31

Discuss science & technology interviews

Go over practice worksheet from yesterday

Notes: operations with significant figures

Notes: Sci-notation

Notes: Metric System, Conversions

Class Practice for all three topics above


1- In your own words define the following words: frame of reference, position, change in position, distance, displacement, speed, velocity- Due next class

2- Metric Conversions #1- Due next class

September 2

Go over hw

Conversion #2- this was done as a class

Class Lecture/Discussion: Order of Operations,Determining Units at the end of a problem

Math Skills Reflection


1- Worksheet 1-6. This is for a grade due at the START OF CLASS. You will turn this in HARD COPY. Note: for #8 & 11 do NOT convert to kg squared. Leave in g squared. For 24-28 the equation for density is: Density = mass/ volume. For some of the problems cm cubed is the volume

2- Quiz: Next Thursday ( 9/9). Topics: Significant Figures, Operations with Significant Figures , Metric Conversions. I would start studying since next Tuesday we will have a small review but moving on. The most trouble it seems is conversions. Click on the following links for video solutions( Video 1, Video 2

3- Work on your lab report( HERE are the guidelines if you need it). The final lab report will be due September 17. On September 14th we will have peer review. At this point all you should be working on is the analysis and conclusion. Other parts ( intro, procedure, data table and graph should already be done)

September 7

Review two step conversions

Notes: Position, Distance, Displacement( in class practice)

Review Activity- Click link HERE


1- Study for Quiz: Thursday (9/9).Topics: Significant Figures, Operations with Significant Figures , Metric Conversions

September 9


Notes: Speed & velocity with in class practice Round 1( problems 1-5). HERE are the problems


1- Get the speed from your distance v. time graph

2- Constant Velocity Problems- do these in your notebook. HERE are the problems

3- Work on your lab report( HERE are the guidelines if you need it). The final lab report will be due September 17. On September 14th we will have peer review. At this point all you should be working on is the analysis and conclusion. Other parts ( intro, procedure, data table and graph should already be done)

September 13

Go over HW

Problem Solving Strategies

Speed and Velocity Problems Round 2- Here is round 2- scroll to page 5. Everyone should be able to do the first three. 4-5 are challenges!

Notes: Naming Vectors

Intro to lab


1- Make sure to set up the two tables in your notebooks- ONLY DO #3 IN YOUR NOTEBOOKS UNDER PRELIMINARY. SEE LINK FOR INTRO TO LAB FOR LINK

September 15

Peer Review for Lab

Lab- Motion down a slope


1- Buggy Lab due Friday at 11:59 pm. Submit here

2- The motion down a slope lab is due TUESDAY. To prepare for Monday's class your assignment is to finish up to #15 under the analysis. Here are the instructions . The graphs need to be done on graph paper.

3- Quiz Sept 21.Topic: speed & velocity

September 20

Notes: Acceleration and class practice

  • Discuss results from lab


1- Motion down a slope lab due tomorrow. Submit here

2- Complete THESE problems(1-5) in your notebook

3- Quiz tomorrow- speed and velocity

September 21


Go over HW

Constant acceleration problems. HERE are the problems

Acceleration Investigation


1-Sign of Acceleration worksheet. Due- Thursday

September 23

Go over sign of acceleration

more acceleration practice problems

Notes- Motion graphs with in class practice

Get equation sheet

Explain topics on Unit 1 exam


1- Graphing Practice worksheet

2- Unit 1 Test September 30- NEXT THURSDAY

Note- Ms. Lewis will be out of school on the 27th. All work will be found on the agenda.

September 27

Ms. Lewis is out today- See you in class tomorrow!

For today's class complete the following

  1. Grade your graphing practice worksheet( HERE) is the key

  2. Complete THIS graphing packet . The sub will have paper copies for everyone. If not then just open the packet link and complete via KAMI. To complete in KAMI there should be a blue K on the right hand side of the document. If not then just do in your notebook. Here is the key( look at this AFTER you complete the practice)

  3. Review Unit 1 with these practice quizzes ( Quiz 1, Quiz 2)


1- Make sure 1-3 are done if not finished in class

2- Test- Thursday. Topic List

  • significant figures

  • metric conversions

  • scientific notation

  • distance/displacement

  • speed/velocity

  • acceleration

  • motion graphs

September 28

Go over work from Monday

Whiteboard Review problems for Unit 1 exam

  • just problems click HERE

Conceptual questions- Unit 1

Go over equation sheet

How to Study

If time- start unit 2


1- Study for Unit Exam on Thursday

September 30

Unit 1 Celebration of Knowledge

Continue with Kinematic Equations with in class problems- See me for practice problems- no online version

HW- none! See you next week! Have a great weekend!

October 4

Kinematics practice

Kinematics Round 1


1- Kinematics Practice Problems- complete in your notebook

October 5

Go over HW

Finish Kinematics Round 1 from yesterday

Start Gizmo Simulation- HERE is the activity .


1- Simulation due Thursday. Submit HERE

October 7

Discuss simulation

Notes- acceleration due to gravity

  • discussion of initial conditions

Free-Fall whiteboard problems


1- Optional Free Fall Practice- Complete THREE problems in your notebook for free-fall practice

2-Quiz Tuesday: topic Big 4 Equations Here are extra practice problems( Page 1,Page 2,Page 3)

3. Test- October 19. Topics

  • Big 4 Equations

  • Free-Fall

October 11

Here are the answers from Friday's optional practice hw

Free-Fall Practice Problems


1- Quiz tomorrow on Big 4 Equations( NOT FREE-FALL... even though they are the SAME equations)

October 12


Unit 2 Conceptual Questions

Groups begin basketball drop lab

  • develop procedure

  • set up data table


1-Make sure you have a data table and procedure ready to go!

October 14

Basketball lab Day 2- small object. groups should also have calculated acceleration due to gravity of the small object

Final Practice Day 1- only to problem 4

time to work on hw


1- GRADED HW- Kinematic & Free Fall- Due Monday

2-Test is now Oct 21

2- Lab Report Due Oct 26

October 18

Collect data for basketball drop

Go over lab report format


1- Exam Thursday. Topic Kinematics & Free Fall.

October 19

go over quiz

Time to study( here are old practice problems done)

Class Practice Slides from todays class


1- Study. Test Thursday. See Monday for various study aids.

October 21


Time to work on lab report. For this groups should have the following

  • complete calculation for g of the small and large object ( with work shown)

  • calculation of velocity final of both objects before hitting the ground( using regular 9.8 for gravity)

  • discussion of error

  • here is the guidelines-

Notes- Vector Addition Pogil


1- Lab report due October 28. A place to submit will appear Tuesday's class

2-last day I am accepting ANY work is Tuesday the 26

3- finish POGIL notes from today if not done in class( see link above)

October 25

Notes- vector addition ( including not at right angles)


1- Add the following vectors

A = 450. m @ 37 degrees South of East

B = 500. m @ 70 degrees East of South

C = 200. m @ 37 degrees West

October 26

go over hw problems

Vector Addition Activity- due at the end of class

Time to work on lab report ( Due Thursday)


1- Lab report due Thursday. Submit here. Here is the original document here are the guidelines if you need them

October 28

November 4

Horizontal 2D motion activity

Notes- Horizontal Projectile motion with class practice

Phet simulation- part 1- using THIS link


1- Finish practice problems if not done in class

2- Finish simulation questions if not done in class( only introduction & part 1)

2- Quiz Wednesday- Vector Addition

November 8

Round 2 Horizontal Projectile Motion

Introduce- Youtube Physics


1- Quiz Wednesday- Vector Addition ( only algebraically)

November 9

Practice #1=Vector Addition

Practice #2

Start working on youtube physics- See yesterday for link( sign up sheet HERE)


1- Quiz tomorrow vector addition ( only algebra)

November 10

Quiz - Vector Addition

Notes- Full Projectile with practice problems- see below

Groups sign up for Youtube Physics- Due November 18. We will use parts of Monday & Tuesday's class to work as well( about 15-20 minutes each class)


1- Finish these two problems in your notebook

  1. A baseball is thrown at an angle of 25degrees relative to the ground at a speed of 23.0 m/s. If the ball was caught 42.0 m from the thrower, how long was it in the air? How high above the thrower did the ball travel?

  2. Bongo is launched from the clown cannon at an angle of 57.25 degrees and a muzzle velocity( velocity initial) of 157 m/s.

    1. How far does Bongo travel?

    2. What is Bongo’s maximum altitude?

    3. What is Bongo’s altitude after 3.75 s of travel? Is he rising or falling?

    4. What is his total velocity at this time?

2- Sign up for youtube physics- sign up here and start working

3- Quiz Thursday- Projectile Motion

November 15

Go over HW

Full Projectile Round 2- problems below( the first two were the weekend homework)

  1. A baseball is thrown at an angle of 25degrees relative to the ground at a speed of 23.0 m/s. If the ball was caught 42.0 m from the thrower, how long was it in the air? How high above the thrower did the ball travel?

  2. Bongo is launched from the clown cannon at an angle of 57.25 degrees and a muzzle velocity( velocity initial) of 157 m/s.

    1. How far does Bongo travel?

    2. What is Bongo’s maximum altitude?

    3. What is Bongo’s altitude after 3.75 s of travel? Is he rising or falling?

    4. What is his total velocity at this time?

  1. A golfer hits a golf ball at an angle of 25.0 degrees to the ground. If the golf ball covers a horizontal distance of 301.5m, what is the ball's maximum height?

  1. A ball is thrown straight upward and returns to the thrower’s hand after 3.00 s in the air. A second ball is thrown at an angle of 30.0 degrees with the horizontal. At what speed must the second ball be thrown so that it reaches the same height as the one thrown vertically?

  1. A fireman 50.0m away from a burning building directs a stream of water from a ground-level fire hose at an angle of 30.0 degrees above the horizontal. If the speed of the stream as it leaves the hose is 40.0 m/s, at what height will the stream of water strike the building?

Time to work on Youtube Physics. If you have NOT signed up yet, talk to me and I will assign you a section. Here is the sign up sheet


1- Youtube Physics Due Thursday class time

2- Finish practice problems if not done in class( see above)

November 16

Go over problem three from yesterday

Time to work on Youtube Physics

Groups show work for problem 4&5


1- Submit youtube physics project HERE

2- Projectile motion quiz- Thursday ( JUST THE HORIZONTAL CASE). See Nov 4&8 for in class problems. Make sure that you know the horizontal big 4 equations

November 18

Projectile Motion Quiz - just horizontal case

Challenge Problem- Projectile Motion

Buzz Lightyear


1- none! Enjoy your break.

November 29

Go over Buzz Lightyear Lab- groups will determine velocity initial tomorrow according to group procedure and data tables.

Work on Part 2 of Projectile Motion Lab. HERE is the link. When finished summarize your understanding HERE.

Time to work on lab report- see link for buzz lightyear above. At this point you should be able to write about parts 1-4. HERE are the guidelines for writing a lab report if you need them

November 30

Groups test procedures and take data for Horizontal projectile.

Groups determine velocity initial and get angle to predict range from Ms. Lewis

Groups work on THESE practice problems for full projectile practice


  1. Finish practice problems if not done in class- see link above

  2. Solve for predicted range in your notebook- I will check this Thursday's class.

  3. Test on Projectile Motion next Tuesday

December 2

Groups determine predicted range

Groups test range and compare to predicted- continue to work on lab report

Error handout- with your full table group discuss error in vi & range calculations by using THIS handout. Discuss impact on data, type of error and how it could have been avoided or less significant

Conceptual Questions unit 3

Last round of practice


1-Test Tuesday- Unit 3- Projectile Motion

2-Lab Report Due- next Thursday

3- Simulation due Monday- see CANVAS for projectile motion simulation as well as Monday's agenda

4-Finish the conceptual questions from class if you did not. The practice problems are there for you to practice- see me if you want the key

December 6

Go over conceptual questions

Discus what is going to be on exam

Time to study


1- Exam tomorrow- projectile motion. Here are the problems we have worked below

  • Vector Addition

  • Horizontally Launched Projectiles-See Nov 4&8 for in class problems

  • Projectiles Launched at an Angle

    • see Nov. 15

    • practice cont

    • see Dec.2 for last round of practice( this is a little of mixed review as well)

  • old handout I have

  • Kahoot

you HAVE to know the equations for projectile motion( launched at angle AND horizontally).

December 7

Exam- Projectile Motion

Time to work on lab report


1- Lab Report Due Thursday- Submit HERE

December 9

Notes- Newton's First Law & types of forces

How to Draw FBD with practice

Newton's First Law POGIL

Newton's First Law Conceptual Questions


1- FInish conceptual questions if not done in class

December 13

Go over conceptual questions

Components of Forces

Start pHet


1- finish pHet if not done in class- see link above

December 14

  1. Go over Newton's 2nd Law from pHet

  2. Notes- Inclined Planes

  1. Mass v. weight lab

4. Newton's 2nd Law Practice #1


1- finish the problems if not done in class- see link above for practice

2- Finish mass v weight lab if not done in class

December 16- Ms. Lewis out

While I am out, do the following

  1. Check your practice problems using THIS key

  2. Complete Mass v. Weight Practice- Show your work. Once finished check your work with my key HERE.

  3. Newton's 2nd law practice #2- show your work. This needs to be turned in by the end of class

If you missed the mass v weight lab Tuesday you will need to make it up Friday during Flex time.


1- none! have a great break

January 3- Enjoy the snow!

January 4

Recap Newton's Laws


1-Finish the handout #2 if not done in class

2-Look over your notes on Newton's First and 2nd law so far.

3- For the Newton's 2nd Law problems from 12/16, if you are ready for a grade put a comment in your assignment details saying grade. Use this as a place to check your work BEFORE I grade it

January 6

Recap incline planes

Notes- Tension

Start HW- FBD practice with angles


1- Finish HW if not done in class

2- Take notes on THIS video on Newton's 2nd law

2- Quiz Thursday- Newton's 2nd law without friction equations

January 10

Start Friction Notes

Start Friction lab- each group should finish Data Table 1 in class today


1- Discussion post due Tuesday- you are just doing #1

2- Quiz Thursday- Newton's 2nd law- NOT including friction forces

January 11

practice MC

fix the mistakes

continue friction lab - see lab from yesterday


1- respond to discussion post- see instructions- due Thursday

2- quiz thursday on Newton's 2nd law without friction equations

3- Finish Friction lab if not done in class- due Thursday

January 13

quiz- newton's 2nd law

finish friction notes

friction practice round 1


1-Finish practice round 1 if not done in class

2- We are not going to have a unit test on Newton's Laws But the following will occur

  • Quiz Thursday- Newton's 2nd law with friction

  • Newton's Laws Project- Introduced Friday and you will have majority of class time Tuesday & Thursday to complete it. I would look this over so you can plan accordingly next week

January 19

continue to practice with friction( no online copy see Ms.Lewis)

Groups meet to start working on project


1- Finish Friction Round 1 problems if not done from Thursday's class.

2- the Newton's Laws project will be due Feb 1. You will have both Tuesday & Thursday to work on this in class. I would make sure you plan accordingly so you can use your time wisely.

3- Quiz Newton's Laws with Friction next Thursday

January 21- We are going to meet virtually here

For today's class below is the plan.

We are going to use today as a project work day/ ask Ms. Lewis questions ( mini-office hours session).

  • if you want to meet in your groups, sign in and I will place you in breakout groups to talk privately

  • to ask general questions( about friction or anything else in Newton's laws we can speak in the main room)

  • This is great time to do Friction Round 1 if you did not complete it and check my key Tuesday in class. My expectation is that they are done and we are going to be able to move forward. Walking into Tuesday's class without them done would not be a good idea( in my opinion). We will be building on those problems from that round.

January 25

Friction and inclined planes. HERE is class practice ( only did page 1)

Time to work on project


1- quiz Thursday- Newton's laws with friction

2- continue to work on project. Due Feb 1

January 27


Identifying Newton's Third Law Pairs

Time to work on project


1- Project Due Tuesday

2- finish newton's laws pairs worksheet- no online version so ask Ms. Lewis for handout if absent

January 31

Groups will have time to put the finishing touches on your Newton's Laws project


1- project due tomorrow night

Feb 1

Newton's Laws Haiku

Notes- Work

Workbook problems- complete these problems in your notebook


1- finish work problems if not done in class

Feb 3

Work MC practice- no online copy see Ms. Lewis for this if absent

notes- types of energy with practice problems

notes- conservation on ME part 1

Energy Bar Graphs


1- Finish energy bar graphs if not done in class

Next week-

1) more practice with conservation of energy

2) Daily checks will start next Tuesday

3) Quiz- next Thursday Work & Energy

February 7

Go over Energy Bar Graphs

Practice- KE & PE- if needed

Practice Problems with Conservation of ME


1-Daily checks( mini quizzes start again tomorrow. topic: work/energy)

February 8

Conservation of ME practice continued( problems 6-12)

Notes- W-KE Theorem


1-Quiz Thursday. Topic Work and Energy

February 10


Whiteboard Practice- W-KE Theorem - done on board, see Ms. Lewis for problems if questions


1- finish problems if not done in class.

Next Week

  • Topic: Power

  • Power Lab

February 16

Go over WB problems from last week

Continuation of W-KE Theorem Practice


1- W-KE Simulation- Due tomorrow

2- Finish the W-KE Problems from today if not finished in class. You can check your answers with my key tomorrow when you come to class

February 17

Get back quiz of Work & Energy

Notes- Friction with Conservation of ME & Power

Power Practice problems

If Time- Power Lab


1- Finish Power Lab Questions- Due Tuesday

2- Finish Power Questions if not done in class

2- Quiz Tuesday: Conservation of ME/ W-KE & Power. We have done practice with all of these. Look in your notebooks for practice problems done. Here are some extra conservation of ME practice if needed

February 21

Go over Power Problems- Here is my solution guide

Power Practice Continued

Conceptual Questions

Introduce Roller Coaster Physics


1- Quiz Tomorrow: Conservation of ME/ W-KE & Power. We have done practice with all of these. Look in your notebooks for practice problems done. Here are some extra conservation of ME practice if needed. Inclined planes will be on the quiz so make sure to familiarize yourself with analyzing those

2- Power Lab Conclusion Questions- Due tomorrow. you will turn this in hard copy

February 22


Notes- Circular Motion & Physics of Roller Coasters

Time for groups to work on projects


1- Continue working on project. Due Date is March 3. You will have parts of class Thursday and next Monday/Tuesday to work on this. Outside of this you and your group members need to plan accordingly.

February 24

Centripetal Forces Practice

Notes- Scenarios of Roller Coasters and Apparent Weight with practice problems

Groups have time to work on project


1- Finish practice problems if not done in class.

2-Continue working on project. At this point groups should have an official design and should start calculating the needed variables.

February 28

Discussion of g's felt

Groups will have time to work on their projects


1- continue working on your project

March 1

For today's class

  • spend time working on your project. It would be a great idea to check in with your partners and determine how to use class time tomorrow wisely.

March 2

Groups will have time to finalize project


1- Project due Monday- hard copy. What is due at the START of class( not during class)

  • poster

  • letter to the board

  • calculations sheet

March 7

Notes- Gravitation.

Activity- Gravitation Lab


1- Lab due tomorrow. Submit using the link above

March 8

Gravitation Lab Part 2

Continue Gravitation Notes

Gravitation Practice Problems

If time- Intro into new unit- Momentum


1- momentum practice problems. do them in your notebook( part 1&part 2) for part 2 just do number 2

March 10

Ms. Lewis out. While I am out do the following

  1. check your hw here

  2. View THESE slides and add to your notebook

  3. Do these problems in your notebook

  4. View THIS presentation and add these notes to your notebook

  5. We will be doing THIS lab Monday during class. Read it over


1- make sure 1-5 are done for Monday's class

March 14

Collision Practice Problems

Conservation of Momentum Lab Day 1- stop after you finish #4


1- Quiz Thursday- momentum/ impulse/ collisions

March 16

Notes- Ballistic Pendulum


1- quiz Monday ( has been changed from tomorrow): Gravitation and Collisions( including momentum)

March 17

Ballistic Pendulum Part 2

Collisions in 2D

Momentum Lab Day 2


1- Finish Momentum Lab questions- Due Monday

2- Quiz Monday- Momentum/Collisions and Gravitation

March 21

Quiz- Gravitation/ Momentum with collisions

Continue Notes with collisions in 2D with practice. Here is the image


1- collision problem. Upload here . see image above for problem

March 23

phet- static electricity

Notes- intro into electricity

Activity with a generator!

HW1- none have a great break!

April 4

Go over methods of charging

Notes- Calculating amount of charge and Coloumb's Law

Practice Problems


1- Finish practice problems if not done in class

April 5

Go over practice problems

Notes: Superposition principle and Electric Forces in 2D

Notes: Equilibrium


1- Do both sets of practice problems in your notebook( superposition and equilibrium). upload your homework HERE

2- Daily Checks will start Thursday

April 7

Go over hw

Notes- Determining number of electrons transferred to a balloon

Assign- Coulomb's Law Activity with time to start

If time- Notes- Electric Fields

  • Activity- Electric Fields

  • how to draw electric fields( handout)


1- Quiz Wednesday- Coulomb's Law including equilibrium. Here are some extra questions in addition to the problems we have done in class.

2- Coulombs Law Activity Due next Wednesday

April 11

Notes- Electric Fields

Time to work on Electric forces Forever


1- Quiz- Wednesday Coulomb's Law

2- Electric Forces Forever due Wednesday - hardcopy

April 13

Quiz- Coulomb's Law

Continue with practice with Electric Fields- superposition- no online copy. see Ms. Lewis for problems if missed class


1- Complete THESE practice problems. Submit your work HERE

Next Week

  • Quiz- Thursday- Electric Fields

  • conceptual questions

  • Notes- Electric Potential Energy in uniform and non-uniform fields with kinematics!

  • Test- Electricity- April 26.

April 18

Notes- Solving for force and acceleration with Electric Fields

Conceptual Questions


1-Finish the conceptual questions if not done in class

2-Quiz Thursday- Electric Fields

April 19

Handout- Interpreting Field Diagrams- No online copy see Ms. Lewis if absent

Notes on Electrical Potential Energy

Practice Problems


1- Quiz Thursday- Electric Fields( expect problems in 1 & 2D)

2- Finish electrical potential energy problems if not finished in class

April 21

Quiz- Electric Fields

Notes- Potential Energy in a non-uniform field( point charges)

Practice Problems

Go Over Equation Sheet


1- Exam- Electricity April 26- study guide here

Next Week

  • Electricity Exam- April 26- see above for study guide

  • start of circuits

April 25

Kahoot- Electricity

Time to work on study guide here


1- Electricity Exam tomorrow

April 26

Electricity exam

April 28

How to light a bulb- activity

Notes- resistors with practice

combination circuit practice

Reading: Voltmeter and Ammeter


1- Combination circuit practice- resistance - do these problems in your notebook

Next week

  • continuation of calculating resistance in combination circuits

  • notes- current

  • relationship between parts of a circuit

May 2

Combination Circuit go over

Notes-Current with practice problems

Notes- Parts of a Circuit

Electricity- mini lab- use THIS link

1- Finish mini-lab if not done in class

May 3

Lab: Relationship between current, voltage and resistance. If you were absent for this lab you need to make it up during Flex time!


1- Upload lab sheet here.

May 5

Practice with ohms Law- Practice Problems

Notes- Electric Power

Notes- Series Circuits with ohms law


1-Finish Series practice problems if not finished in class- see link above

2-Quiz Tuesday- calculating resistance and current

Next Week

1- Go over final project

2- rules for parallel circuits

2- combination circuits with ohms law with conceptual questions

May 9

Go over series circuits

Practice- calculating r total


1- quiz tomorrow. Topics

  • calculating r-total and current . See May 2 for practice with current. See April 28 for combination circuit practice for calculating r total. We also did problems 6,8&13 for combination practice- Photo 1 &2( only calculate r total)

May 10

Quiz: Calculating Resistance and Current

Simulation: Parallel Circuits. HERE is the handout. Here is the website

Notes- Parallel Circuits with practice

Conceptual Questions- Series and Parallel Circuits


1- Finish Conceptual Questions if not done in class

2- Read THIS handout about the final project. Bring any questions you have Thursday's class

May 12

Discuss final project

Groups discuss conceptual questions

Practice- series and parallel circuits

Combination Circuit Analysis with Ohms Law


1-Finish combination circuit analysis if not done in class

2-Circuit Exam- Next Thursday.

3- Let me know who you want to work with for your final project- HERE

Next Week

  • continue practicing with ohms law- combination circuits

  • conceptual questions

  • review- exam Thursday

  • start final project

May 16

Go over combination circuit and continued practice

Combination circuit conceptual questions


1- Circuit Exam Thursday

May 17

During our shortened class this is the plan

  1. discuss what is on circuit exam

    1. HERE is a Kahoot

  2. time to

    1. get in project groups

    2. ask Ms. Lewis questions

    3. submit project proposal HERE


1- Circuit Exam Thursday

2- Make sure project proposal is submitted for review. Projects need to be approved BEFORE you start- see above link

May 19

Circuit Exam

Time to work on final project- submit your final project proposal- see CANVAS for assignment


1- submit proposal. pay attention to the comments so you know if you have approval and feedback

May 23

Complete THIS

Discuss circuit exam- test corrections start tomorrow and go until June 3

Class time to work on final project


1- submit progress report about final project HERE

2- Discuss with groups if you need to use FLEX time either Tuesday or Thursday

May 25- Ms. Lewis Out

Good morning, in my absence here is how to proceed for the final project

  1. Continue to take data for your project . Make sure that you are paying attention to the deadlines attached in the rubric. Failure to adhere to deadlines will affect your final project. Progress reports can be submitted during class time today.

  2. Since I am absent instead of Tuesday May 31 being in front of the class presentation, you will instead submit a Google Slides presentation of your project. Only one person per group needs to submit. Below you will find further clarifications

    1. For all of those creating a model or doing the engineering design project you will do the following

      1. Upload a video into your presentation of your model in action. You MUST be in the video. Bring your model to school as well on May 31

      2. Make sure you have a slide that has each of the following: how it was constructed, physics principles identified, clear physics calculations with clear work shown, assumptions made

      3. See the rubric HERE for updates- make sure to scroll

    2. For all else you will also create a presentation. You may use the same headers as described in aii. You may need to have more slides depending on the final project chosen.

    3. Make sure all you put in your presentation clearly depicts the physics you’ve identified and show clear/accurate work. You may attach a script if that helps of what you would say in person. Photos provided must show what you describe!

    4. Further questions- send me an email.

I will be available via Google Meet from 9:10 am- 9:55 am for you to ask any questions of me. I will do my best to answer questions. Sign up here for a time to meet with me. Google Meet Nickname is chsLewis


1- Presentations due Tuesday- submit HERE

2- All missing work is due by June 3 at 4pm

May 31

Submit your final project HERE. Before you submit make sure to do the following

  1. Read the rubric here. There will be no edits once submitted

  2. If in a group, decide WHO is going to submit. Whoever that is make sure to address all other group members in the comment

  3. Make sure if a video is submitted within the presentation that I have editing rights.

June 2

Groups work on the egg drop for Mondays class

All work is due by this Friday by 4pm

June 6

Egg Drop Test Day