Hn. Physics 22-23 Agenda

August 29

Welcome to Honors Physics !!


1- Read the syllabus. Complete THIS after you have read the syllabus( follow the instructions in the assignment details) 

2- Get a notebook. Make sure you bring a calculator to class EVERY day!

3- Bookmark the agenda

4- Explore our CANVAS page( write down any questions you may have)

August 30

Activity: The Game of Science 

Topics Covered in Hn. Physics

Introduce Science & Technology 

If time- Introduce Buggy Lab


1- Complete this assignment in your notebook: Write a paragraph that tells what you think the perfect classroom should be like. (This is not fiction/fantasy writing; you should describe the atmosphere of an ideal real classroom.)  You will be sharing your story in your table groups tomorrow

September 1

Discuss Class Norms Activity

There is a mystery to solve

Discussion: Late Work/ Grading

Discussion: Math Skills needed for physics 

If time- Buggy Lab/ Guidelines for writing a lab report  


1- Math Pretest( ungraded will be next class)

2- Science & Technology due September 9

3- Write a class mission statement based off of the words that were on the board. 

September 6

Math Pretest( ungraded)

Buggy Car Lab Day 1- groups take practice data according to procedure developed

Notes- Significant Figures with practice


1- Write a draft introduction according to the guidelines. Submit HERE

2- Finish significant figures practice if not done in class 

September 8

Get textbooks

Group critique on introductions 

Discussion: How to create a data table

Discussion: How to measure time?

Groups take official data and place on data table

Discussion : Error


1-  Submit your procedures & data tables here

2- Watch this video on trig functions and answer the questions 

September 12

Discuss procedures & data tables

Handout- how to create a graph

go over significant practice from last week

notes: operations with significant figures

get math pre-test back

1- Create a graph of your data using graph paper by hand using the handout- see above

2- Worksheet- operations with significant figures- finish if you did not in class


September 13

Discuss math pre-test

Notes- metric conversions ( one & two step)  with  practice

Notes- How would you describe the motion of a car


1-Finish practice metric problems if not done  

2- Read and take notes on the following pages  40 -42. Upload a picture of your notes here

September 15

metric conversions practice continued

Distance & Displacement Continued 


1- Metric Conversions round 2

2- Quiz Thursday on math skills ( significant figures, operations with significant figures, metric conversions)

September 19

groups go over hw

two step conversions with practice 

notes- speed velocity 


1- Do the following problems in your notebook from your textbook( page 44 # 1, 4,5) and submit  HERE

2- get the speed of your buggy car from your graphs. make sure you are able to show your work for your analysis section 

September 20


Groups go over hw problems

speed & velocity round whiteboard practice problems( goal is to get to problem 5)

discuss analysis & conclusions- using guidelines 

discuss motion down a slope lab


1- quiz Thursday . Topics on quiz

2- Start the motion down a slope lab. In your notebooks you should answer questions 1-3

3- Buggy Lab- due September 29. Our peer review will be next Tuesday. Continue to work on it so you have a complete one to peer review

September 22

Quiz- math skills

Lab- motion down a slope


1- Lab( motion down a slope) due October 3

2- Unit 1 exam Oct 6( what's on exam)

3- Buggy Lab due September 29. On Tuesday we will peer review so bring a COMPLETE lab report to get the most feedback from your peers

September 27

Lab Report Peer Review

Speed & velocity Round 2 Problems 

Notes- Acceleration 

Equation sheet given out- bring this to class EVERY DAY


1- Buggy Lab due Thursday. Submit HERE 

2- Quiz-. Topic Speed & Velocity October 3

3- Finish the sign of acceleration handout- see link above 

the test for unit 1 has been changed from October 6 to the 10th. 

September 29

go over- sign of acceleration

handout: acceleration investigation 

get quizzes back

Notes- Motion Graphs


1- Motion down a slope lab is due Monday. Submit HERE

2-Speed & velocity Quiz- Monday 

3-handout- describing graphs- 

4-Unit 1 exam Oct 10( what's on exam)

In your textbook we have covered the following sections( look there for review)

October 4

Quiz- speed & velocity 

Go over describing graphs

Handout- Creating velocity v time graphs from distance v time.

Conceptual Questions- Unit 1


1- Finish conceptual questions if not done in class

2- Unit 1 exam- October 10. This is pages 40-51 in your textbook. If you are looking to do more problems( which I would recommend) go to pages 69-71 # 1-20. Make sure you are familiar with the Pythagorean theorem 

October 6

Practice- motion graphs

Groups discuss conceptual questions- see previous day for handout

Go over equation sheets

Get quizzes back

Start Unit 2 ( pages in the book)- Notes- Equations of motion with constant acceleration

Rest of time- work on missing work 


1- Study.  Unit 1 exam- October 10. This is pages 40-51 in your textbook. If you are looking to do more problems( which I would recommend) go to pages 69-71 # 1-20. Make sure you are familiar with the Pythagorean theorem  and your equation sheets. Topics on exam

You will also need to know your prefixes as well as significant figure rules for the exam

2- All missing/late work for unit 1 is due October 10 by 8:55 am

October 10

Unit 1 Celebration 

HW- none

October 12

Math Skills Practice 

In class Practice with kinematics 

Whiteboard Round 1 on kinematics - get to problem 4 by today's class 


1- Complete the following problems in your notebook. Upload a image HERE

October 14

Go over HW

Kinematics- Round 2

Start Free- Fall notes 


1- In your notebook determine the initial conditions for the following scenarios: ball dropped, ball tossed up, round trip.

 2-Quiz October 20- Kinematics ( not including free-fall)

3- Unit 2 Exam- first week in November- will let you know the date 

4- Note- test corrections will start NEXT Friday and last until 10/26. If you made below a 75 you have the ability to make that to a 75. You will sign up in Edficiency for flex time. 

October 17

Finish Free-Fall notes

Introduce Basketball drop lab


1-  Read the basketball drop lab- tomorrow we will take data/ write a procedure 

2- Kinematics Quiz Thursday ( not including free-fall)

October 18

Free-Fall Problems Round 1

Groups gather data for the large object for the free-fall lab 

Conceptual questions- unit 2


1- Quiz Thursday- Kinematics- NOT freefall 

2- Finish Conceptual Questions if not done in class 

3- Get a value for the acceleration of the small object- make sure to show your work!

4- If you want to go over kinematics sign up for flex time tomorrow!

October 20 

Kinematics Quiz

Groups work to get data for large object 

Rest of time- work on lab report 


1- lab report due November 1. Submit HERE

2-  Finish the challenge problem from class today. 

3- finish conceptual questions from class Tuesday if not done

4- Calculate acceleration of the large and small object for the lab
5- Unit Test( kinematics)- November 3. Next week we will finish up unit 2 and start on unit 3

6- test corrections start Friday and will end next Friday.

October 24

Warm-up: handout

go over challenge problem

Groups go over conceptual questions 


Assign: Free- Fall Mini-Lab Activity


1- Finish Free-Fall Activity due November 1

October 25

Ms. Lewis out

While I am out of class work on the following

In my absence work on the following

Unit test is in November 3. 

October 27

Discuss Lab Report & Free-Fall Analysis 

Unit 2 Review Activity

Time to work on lab report & mini lab analysis 



1- Unit 2 exam November 3. Topic Kinematics- study aids 

2- Free- Fall Lab due November 1- Submit HERE

3- Free- Fall Analysis due November 1- Submit HERE 

November 1

Start Unit 3- Notes: Vector Addition 

Notes: How to add vectors algebraically with practice 

Rest of time- study 


All work for unit 2 is due Thursday( the day of the unit test- Thursday)

Unit 2 exam November 3. Topic Kinematics- study aids 

November 3

Celebration of Knowledge Day


1- Vector Addition Practice Problems - take a picture and upload your handout HERE. Due Wednesday 

 November 7

vector addition classwork - we did problem 1 of the vector addition worksheet- see #2 link below 

Introduce Vector Draft- time to work on prelab


1- Pre-lab due next Monday. Sumbit a photo of your pre-lab HERE . See vector draft link above

2- Vector Addition worksheet due Wednesday. Submit a photo of the assignment HERE. Just problem 2 since we did 1 in class

3- Unit 2 test corrections start Thursday and will end next Friday. That means you have 3 chances to come in to do your corrections. you can sign up in FLEX time 

November 9

Discuss Vector Draft

Vector Addition practice continued- whiteboard problems

Notes- Intro to Projectiles


1- Pre-Lab due Monday. If late this will have points off. You will submit 3 photos for each page of the pre-lab. Submit HERE

2- Read section 3-2  ( pages 88 - 97)in your textbook. This is a recap of what we have done for vector addition. Add to you class notes if you need to/ do additional practice problems- odd problems are found in the back of the textbook.  Once you have finished reading summarize HERE

3- If you need more practice on vector addition- see the practice link above!

November 14

Finish simulation part 1( up to question 9)- 7 minutes

Notes- Horizontally launched projectiles- just equations 


1- Vector Draft Thursday. make sure you are prepared. Tomorrow you will meet in your groups to discuss so I would make sure you can talk about the following in your group

November 15

Groups meet to discuss vector draft and submit plan

whiteboard problems- practice problems for horizontally launched projectiles

Start notes- projectile motion( full case) just equations 

if extra time- Groups have rest of time to prepare for draft.


1-Do the following problems in your notebook- page 102 # 1-3. Submit a photo here. If you need to see other example problem on page 101

2- Vector Draft is Thursday! Make sure you are ready! Remember groups can get extra credit for coming with a logo PRINTED in color 

November 17

Vector Draft

Go over hw

discuss how to solve for total velocity in horizontally launched projectiles 


1- Quiz Monday: Vector Addition. you need to know how to add a maximum of 5 vectors 

2- submit your final vector addition from the vector draft - page 7 on the instructions. you will submit this HARD copy 

November 21

Vector Addition Quiz

Introduce Buzz Lightyear Challenge- groups discuss how to determine velocity and write procedures  & derivation of initial                                                                                                           velocity 

HW- none have a great break!

November 22- wellness day. Sign up for Flex time if you need to!

November 28

Recap Horizontally Launched Projectiles

Equations- Projectiles launched at an angle 

( DID NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS)Start Online Lab- projectile motion


1- Read pages 102-103. put the example problem in your notebook with your other notes ( add to your notes if needed)

November 29

Discuss Buzz Lighyear lab

Continued practice of projectiles launched at an angle 

the lab from yesterday is going to be optional( good for practice). we will not have time to do it in class


1- Quiz- Next Tuesday( projectile motion- horizontal AND launched at an angle)

2- Do the following problems( page 104#3,page 105 #6&7, page 115 #38) in your notebook and upload a photo of them HERE

3- make sure your procedure is ready to go!

December 1

Groups take data for Buzz Lightyear( groups should be able to get their velocity initial)

Go over hw

Groups are given angle and need to determine the range based on angle given. Fill out THIS spreadsheet with predicted range 

Time to work on hw worksheet- link below 


1- Quiz Tuesday- projectile motion. This is a combination of both launched horizontally AND at an angle. Make sure you know your equations 

2- Determine the range your buzz will go based on your angle. Mondays class you will need to come with the predicted distance so you can test it. The lab report is due a week from today so I would recommend starting to write some sections ( #1-7 on THIS handout )

3- Projectile motion worksheet- finish if not done in class 

4- Unit 3 exam( projectile motion)- December 11

December 6


Groups discuss error of  buzz lightyear & have time to start writing lab report

Discuss Youtube physics 


1- Read about  Youtube Physics( see link above) video for your project. Project due next Wednesday. To get ahead pick a video. You will have some of Thursday's class to work on the project/ study 

2- Buzz Lightyear lab report due next class submit HERE 

3- Unit 3 exam -next Monday on projectile motion 

December 5

Groups test Buzz Lightyear for actual range and do % error

go over hw

Time to work on lab report


1- Buzz Lightyear lab report due Thursday 

2- Quiz tomorrow: projectile motion. Make sure to have all of the equations MEMORIZED for projectiles launched at an angle and horizontally

December 8

Introduce challenge problem

Time to work on

Discuss Youtube physics 

Get quizzes back


1-- Unit 3 exam: Monday December 10. Here are some study aids

2- Youtube Physics Presentation is due Wednesday. 

December 12

Unit Celebration on Projectile Motion

Extra time- work on youtube physics 


1- Youtube Physics Project due next class. Submit HERE

December 14

Youtube Physics Day

Physics Holiday Activity

December 16

Work on missing work! Get things turned in

Have a great break and see you in 2023!!!!

When we return we will start our new unit on Forces!

January 2

Start of new unit: Forces

Notes- Newton's First Law


1- Complete POGIL- Newton's First Law. 

2- complete the rest of the free body diagrams that were not assigned in class except number 16

January 3

Groups recap POGIL from last night

Handout- Newton's First Law Concept Check

Handout- Forces in 2D

Get tests back- corrections start tomorrow during flex time and will end next Friday


1- Complete the following problems in your notebook ( page 133 # 1-3). Upload a picture of the problems HERE

January 5

Lab: Mass v Weight Lab.

Notes- Tension Day 1


1- read pages 130-135 in your textbook. As you read take notes on any additional information you may need on Newton's First Law. Next week we will start Newton's 2nd Law 

2- Finish mass v weight lab if not done in class. Due Monday

3- Quiz- Newton's First Law next Thursday 

January 9

Notes- Intro to 2nd Law

Simulation- Newton's 2nd Law


1- Simulation due tomorrow- you will turn this in hard copy

January 10 

recap tension and FBD practice 

go over simulation

Notes- Newton's 2nd Law


1- quiz Thursday on Newton's First Law( this includes names of forces, creating free body diagrams, mass v weight). To study review notes, handouts in class, and pages 124-135 in the  book 

January 12


In class practice- Newtons 2nd Law( including kinematics) 

HW- all work is needed by wednesday to count for the quarter

January 17

Notes- Inclined Planes

Classwork- FBD

HW- make sure all work is turned in by tomorrow to count towards q2

January 24

Whiteboard Round 2 Problems Day 2

Friction Notes Part 1


2- Newton's Laws quiz without friction next Tuesday

3- Finish Forces handout from previous class( do problems 6-12 ) 10 is challenging!

January 26

Friction Lab

Practice Problems


1- Quiz Tuesday on Newton's Laws( no friction equations but you could solve for Ff)

2- Friction Lab Due Monday

3- Finish practice problems if not done in class. 

January 30

Discuss Lab

Finish friction notes


1- quiz tomorrow on Newton's 2nd law. This will include

2- Friction worksheet due Thursday- working on getting online copy

January 31


Friction on inclined planes

Whiteboards Round 1


1- Finish friction worksheet if not done in class - this is from Monday's class 

2- Read pages in your textbook 141- 147. This is a recap of the forces we have studied in class. There are great example problems there if you need extra practice( none will be officially assigned but you know if you need more practice)

February 2

Go over friction worksheet

Notes- Newton's Third Law

Newton's Laws Activity 

Give out study guide- due day of the exam( next Thursday)


1- Unit Test on Forces next Thursday (2/9). To study you may use the following resources

February 6

Get back quiz

Go over equation sheet and topics on exam 

MC review on Newton's Laws

Rest of time- time to study & work on study guide 


1- Newton's Laws Exam Thursday. 

February 7

Ms. Lewis out

In my absence do the following

February 9- Unit 4 Exam

only homework is to make sure the Work Edpuzzle and MC are completed from Tuesday's class( see previous class for links)

February 14

Recap work notes from last week


1- Do the following four problems in your notebook . Upload a picture of your work here 

February 16

Notes- Types of Energy

Notes- Conservation of Mechanical Energy with practice 


1-  Do the assignment HERE. Make sure to show your work

February 20

Conservation of ME scenarios

Activity- Energy Skate Park


1- Finish energy skate park if not done in class 

February 21

Conservation of ME whiteboards

Notes- Work- Kinetic Energy Theorem with practice


1- Work/ Energy quiz next Tuesday. So far we have covered sections 5.1-5.3 in your textbook. Tonight would be a great time to start reviewing/ reading the textbook. 

February 23

W-KE Practice

Start of Energy Mini-Labs


1- Mini labs due next Thursday

2- Quiz- Tuesday- Conservation of ME

3- Complete # 1,2,4,5 in your notebook on page 176( photo of problems). Upload a photo here. Make sure to show your work 

February 27

Groups have time to continue to work on the Energy Mini-Labs


1- Quiz tomorrow on energy & conservation of energy principle. section 5.2-5.3 in the textbook. See pages 194-195 to do more practice. Numbers 11- 34 are extra problems you can do. See page 974 for answers to the odd problems

February 28


Extra time -work on energy labs. 


1- Energy labs due THURSDAY. You may choose to turn in one copy for the group or submit individually. 

March 2

Notes- Power

Introduce Power Olympics


1- complete THIS study guide for energy & power. Next week we will move onto momentum and have a combined test on these two chapters ( energy & momentum). This will be collected next Thursday. 

March 6

Groups test out procedures for power lab

Time to work on study guide


1- Study guide due Thusday hard copy!

March 7

Google Form- Comments for procedures for Lab

Review equations for Energy Unit

Time to work on study guide


1- Study guides for Ch. 5 due Thursday hard copy

March 9 

Power Lab Data Day

Go over equations from Energy Unit


1- Power lab due Monday

March 13

Notes- Momentum


1- Complete THIS HANDOUT on momentum. show your work in your notebook 

2- Power lab questions due tomorrow hard copy.

Interesting article on momentum  

March 14

Discuss car safety and momentum 

Go over hw

Notes- 1D collisions 


1- finish online lab if not done in class- due Thursday hard copy( DID NOT ASSIGN WILL DO THIS LATER)

2- Complete your the three  physics aviary problems. Save/ take a picture of your screen to show that you got each problem correct. Ms.Lewis will check these in class Thursday. Due Monday

March 16

Momentum online lab 

Momentum in class lab day 1

Time to work on momentum stamped problems from Tuesday

If time- introduce the following below


1-  Momentum Quiz Monday 3/ 27 ( including collisions in 1 & 2D)

2-Momentum Practical Exam March 23

3- Study guide due March 27. 

4- Momentum Simulation problems due Monday( make sure to have all the stamps!)

5- calculate the velocity of the springy cart

March 20

Practice Lab Practical Scenario

Momentum Lab Day 2- collect data to see how close your measurement was to the springy cart( DID NOT GET TO)


1- Momentum lab due Monday. Turn in hard copy. See link above

2- Momentum Practical Thursday

3- Momentum Study guide due next Monday

4- Momentum Quiz- next Monday

March 21- Ms. Lewis out

In my absence do the following

1- Finish momentum study guide- turn in hard copy. Due March 27. Remember to show work when asked for it! Write in complete sentences 

2- Momentum Practical is Thursday. Remember that the task is to solve for as many physics concepts as possible( momentum, time, force, kinetic energy etc). Dont forget about forces at an angle & incline planes! I would spend time familiarizing yourself with those equations. You and your partner will ONLY have access to each other and an equation sheet. How could you solve the following variables below in various situations. Situations could be in 1D,  Incline planes, pulled at angles, 2D. I would make up random scenarios and solve for as much as possible

For example you could calculate the following( and there is more than on this list!)

March 23

Mechanics Practical

Momentum Lab Day 2- collect data to see how close your measurement was to the springy cart

Introduce Egg Drop Lab


1- quiz Monday on Momentum( including collisions in 1D). Make sure momentum study guide is completed 

2- All Q3 work is due by this upcoming Tuesday( including late work)

3- Momentum Lab due Monday- see link above

March 26

Momentum Quiz

Groups work on Egg drop lab- we will drop the eggs after break!

March 28

Groups work on Egg Drop Lab

Fun Activity :)

HW- none have a great break

April 10

Egg Drop Continuance. Groups determine a rough draft of the construction 

HW- bring materials needed for 

April 11

Egg Drop Simulator

Construction Day for Egg Drop 


1- Egg drop next Wednesday.

April 13

Start of Circuit Unit

Groups given time to work on egg drop.


1- Egg drop is next Wednesday. The following Tuesday ( 4/22) the following is due

2- Egg drop day is Wednesday. If you know you will need a lot more time than an hour Monday then you will either need to 

April 17

Notes- Combination Circuits and calculating R total

Groups have time to finalize egg drop


1- Egg drop is Wednesday

April 19

Egg Drop Day!

You should make sure you have the following measurements as a result of test day.

Pay attention to the way all three design components on test day. You will have to discuss how each element did on each/ improvements/ changes you would make

After egg drop groups have time 


1- Egg drop write up due Thursday. This includes

April 24

Recap- calculating r total



2- Egg drop write up due Thursday. This includes

April 25

10 minutes to work on egg drop

Notes- Current

Online Lab- Circuit

Notes- Series circuits


1- finish the simulation of series circuits  if not done in class

2- Egg drop write up due Thursday. This includes

April 27

Recap series circuits and complete 

Notes- Parallel circuits


1-finish either the conceptual/ practice problems on series and parallel circuits if not finished in class 

2- circuits quiz Thursday( series & parallel )

May 1

Recap series & parallel circuit practice problems

Notes- Power & Energy 

Time to work on hw

1- quiz thursday on circuits

2- All three of the following labs will be collected Thursday and it each needs to be completed 

3- Practice problems- circuit unit 

May 2

Go over hw- answer key

Practice with calculating r total of combination circuits



1- quiz Thursday on circuits. 

2- Thursday I am collecting the following labs thursday

May 4

Circuit Quiz

Rest of class- Circuit Build Day

Next week- Start of circular motion with a special guest!

May 8-12

We are going to be starting our final topic: Circular Motion with help from a UNC professor. 

If you are going to be absent- you will need to get a packet from me in D223

Monday May 15, we will start working our our final project. Circular Motion will show up on the project so next week is vital!

HW for Tuesday May 16- Write a lab report style conclusion that explains the findings of our experiments in class this week. Your conclusion needs to include

May 15

Recap Circular Motion

Introduce final project


1- Calculating Centripetal Acceleration & g's 

2- Read final project instructions- see link above for instructions 

3- Centripetal force summary- due Thursday

May 16

Notes- Physics of Roller Coasters

Groups have time to work on final projects- instructions

HW- for Thusday's class bring the following

May 18

Final Project work. Groups should have done the following by the end of class

Instructions; Samples( for inspiration only)

May 22 & 24

Project Instructions & Slideshow with examples 

Class time should be spent working on the following for the final project

Finish all calculations & calculation table? Start working on the final drawing. See details # 5-8 for all information needed on the poster

May 30 & June 1

Project Instructions & Slideshow with examples 

Final week to work on class final project. Time should be spent on

Make sure to have the following printed for class June 5th