Miscellaneous Information

PTO Documents

Cash Box Procedures - Instructions on how to properly take care of a cash box at an event.

Event Summary Form - A review form for Event Chairs to complete after an event.

Facility Request - This will tell you how to reserve the school building for an event.

Reimbursement Form - If you have purchased something for a PTO event and need to be reimbursed, fill out this form and put it in the Treasure's mail box in the office.

Special Funding Request - This is for staff requesting funds for additional projects or items.

ACPS Parent Council

The Parent's Council mission is to serve as a forum for parents, educators, and school officials to share ideas and exchange information in order to further advance the quality of the public education system within Albemarle County. They meet monthly and the minutes from the meetings can be found on their website.


Parent Portal

Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS)

ACPS Department of Instruction