
Want to help create the school yearbook? Reach out today!

Yearbooks will be available at the end of the year. Personal ads congratulating a student or thanking a special teacher, and business advertisements are available for purchase. Ad space is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis, so buy your ad(s) today!

Orders and payments are due by TBDd!!! Order forms were sent home, but you can also find a copy here.

Artwork Competition!

Hey, Broadus Wood students, do you love to draw? Would you like to have your artwork published? We invite all BW students to submit a piece of art that shows what you LOVE about our school. The winning artwork will be displayed on the front cover of this year's 2022-23 yearbook! Other entries may be used elsewhere in the yearbook. Think about what makes Broadus Wood special and turn your ideas into art!

Entries are due TBD. Entries must include the words Broadus Wood Elementary School and the date. Create your artwork on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of white paper, positioned vertically. You may use any media you'd like to make it bright and colorful - paint, markers, crayons or colored pencils. Try to leave as little white space as possible and make sure to put your name and your teacher's name on the back.

Yearbook Contributions Needed

As you can imagine, the biggest challenge in designing a yearbook is collecting a wide variety of pictures representing studnets from every classroom, as well as the school wide events that take place throughout the year. We could always use more pictures! Please take a minute and go to the website and share some of hte great shots you've taken so far.


School Code -

If you're having trouble on the eshare website, click on the ? in the upper right hand corner of the main page (help menu). There's a great video tutorial that will help you navigate the website!

Questions? Contact Kim Gregg.