Donate and Volunteer


If you would like to donate to the Capital High School Band you may do so through the Boise Schools Foundation or the Capital Eagles Web Store.  We thank you for any donation that you may be able to give. Capital High School has one of the top band programs in the state which is not easy to achieve. Putting ensembles into the community that perform with this type of excellence takes incredible amounts of hard work from students but also come with a financial cost.  Instructors, equipment, drill composition, music, entry fees, transportation, new instruments and repair, group lessons and guest clinicians to each specialized skills and travel ads up to tens of thousands of dollars for our band, but students also gain things money can’t buy.  They learn discipline, self-control, team work and dedication along with how hard work really does pay off and what it means to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

‘A year ago from today I left on a bus to start a crazy adventure in the United States Navy as a Nuclear Mechanic, a job which requires immense dedication and time to safely and proficiently operate reactors. I’m sending you this message as a thank you. As a high schooler going into this job with no technical skills, the things that make me good at my job are what you taught over my three years in your class. Without the attention to detail, dedication, and honestly the memorization skills you taught me, I would not have made it through this program. And so, to conclude, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and hope that one day in the future I can shake your hand and tell you in person.’

Ryan Chase - United State Navy, Nuclear Mechanic - Capital High Band 2017

Your contributions to the Capital High School band qualify for a 50% credit on your Idaho tax return.  A $2,000 gift today, would qualify for a $1,000 tax credit when you file your Idaho tax return! Federal tax savings may also apply.*

Here is a rough breakdown of our basic operating costs through the year:

Ø  Busing (approx.$2400)           Ø  Festival and Competition Registration (approx.$2500)               Ø  Guard Uniforms and Flags (approx.$ 1500)

Ø  Fall Staff (approx.$4500)        Ø  Group Lessons and Guest Clinicians (approx. $2500)               Ø  Instrument Repair (approx.$1500) 

Ø  Music (approx.$500)          Ø  Uniform Parts (approx.$500)                                              Ø  Instrument Repair (approx.$1500)                        

Ø  New Instruments (approx.$10,000 for Chimes, Orchestral Bells, and Cymbals)                        Ø Travel (approx. $25,000)  


Donate through Boise Schools Foundation    

The Boise Schools Foundation Link is posted above. When you get to the website there are a few details to be careful of when filling out the form.  

Designation: Thank-A-Teacher (Indicate Below)

School: Capital High School

Classroom (teacher)/Project: Capital Band/Lindorfer

* This is not tax advice.  Consult a tax professional to determine charitable contribution benefits regarding your specific financial situation.  Credit limited to $500 for individuals, $1000 for married filing joint.