General Testing

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Testing Information for Parents

-How to prepare your child for an upcoming test-

Here are some things your child can do:

  • Get plenty of sleep.

  • Eat a good breakfast the morning of the test.

  • Listen and follow the teacher’s directions.

  • Keep trying, don’t give up, do his/her best. 👍

Here are some things you can do:

  • Explain that the upcoming test is a chance for students to demonstrate how well they know the material, the standards being taught; it lets the teacher know how to best help students learn.

  • Particularly for upcoming reading assessments, it is helpful to make sure your child reads nightly and discuss what they have read.

  • Help your child to relax about the test taking experience. Being calm helps students perform better.

  • Discuss the test openly and in a positive way.

  • Reach out to the school for additional information.

--What is the FLEID? Is it the same as the SID?The FLEID is called the Florida Education Identifying Number. This number is found in FOCUS under the Classified tab. The FLEID must be used in testing and progress monitoring. It is different from the SID, which is a local (county) student identifying number. If you are having trouble locating the FLEID, please contact us and we can help!
--HOW TO complete an Infrastructure Trial at your school webinar:
--WHAT IS CAP? Credit Acceleration Program
--HOW TO disable spell and grammar check on an Alphasmart or Microsoft Word:
--HOW TO pull Advanced Reports in FOCUS:FSA Scores Assessment Requirements Or see Graduation Pathways team!
--When did the Bio 1 & Geometry EOC have a T-Score? When did FCAT go from Paper to Computer-based? What was the first year U.S. History EOC was offered?? Click here to see the Transition to Next Generation and Computer-Based Tests. A useful tool to School Coordinators :)
--Need Blinders for your Classroom or Computer Lab?Sideblinders is one company that offers a no-peeking solution with a coated pressboard.
--Latest Concordant / Comparative Scores: (See below)

--Need help on extended time or other accommodations for standardized testing? Scroll to the bottom of this page and click on the file entitled: "Clarification of extended time in FCAT administration" and also take a look at this: FSA and FCAT/FCAT 2.0/NGSSS EOC Assessments accommodations guide. Let us know if you have any questions.

Quick reference: Is there a time limit for extended time accommodations?

No. A student may be provided extended time to complete a test session. Extended time should be specified on the IEP or Section 504 plan (e.g., 50% additional time, double time, 200% more time) and provided as documented. If a student’s extended time accommodation is not specified, the student may be provided additional time up to the end of the school day for a test session.