27. Abbreviated School Days

Abbreviated​ ​School​ ​day ​means “ any school day during which a student receives instruction or education services for fewer hours than other students who are in the same grade within the same school” (ORS 343 Section 2). 

In some circumstances, it may be necessary to adjust the minutes of instructional time for a student with a disability. For example, this may apply for a student with a medical condition for whom a full school day is difficult due to endurance or other factors. In some very limited circumstances, it may be appropriate to shorten a school day for a student with a disability who engages in severe behaviors that threaten school safety.

For students who receive special education services, a decrease in instructional time likely constitutes a significant change to the Individual Education Program (IEP) and/or a change in placement, triggering the procedural safeguard requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It is important to note that a reduction for these students should be reserved only for students with the most severe behaviors, and implemented when a continuum of alternative placements that are less restrictive have failed.

A school district may provide an abbreviated school day program to a student only if the student's IEP team:

a. Determines that the student should be placed on an abbreviated school day program, based on the student’s needs; and

b. After the opportunity for the student’s parents to meaningfully participate in a meeting to discuss the placement; and

c. Documents that the team considered at least one option that included appropriate supports for the student and that could enable to student to access the same number of hours of instruction or educational services that are provided to students who are in the same grade within the same school.

District​ ​Process​ ​and​ ​Requirements​ ​for​ ​Abbreviated​ ​School​ ​Day

An abbreviated school day program for behavior must only be considered AFTER​ the following: 1) A thorough and comprehensive functional behavior assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plan (BSP) implemented with fidelity; 2) Collection and review of behavior data; 3) A record to show that data have been reviewed regularly to monitor progress and revisions made to the BSP based on that analysis.

If​ ​the​ ​IEP​ ​team​ ​is​ ​considering​ ​an​ ​abbreviated​ ​school​ ​day,​ ​the​ ​case​ ​manager​ ​must:

1. Contact the Special Education Director to review the case

2. Schedule an IEP review and placement determination. Note: The parent is a REQUIRED participant and must be provided an opportunity to meaningfully participate

3. Invite Special Education Director as a REQUIRED​ ​District Representative.

4. Review qualitative and quantitative data from BSP

5. At the IEP meeting, create a plan around increasing the student’s time at school with objective measures of when and by how much a student’s time at school can gradually increase.​ ​(​For example, a daily behavior rating scale that focuses on target behaviors with objective measurement of progress.)

6. Determine baseline and a standard at which day will increase

a. Example: after receiving an average of a ‘3’ or above daily for three weeks, student’s day will increase by 30 min.

7. Review qualitative and quantitative data from BSP to show that a reduction is the most appropriate and least restrictive intervention at the time, and that parents were meaningfully included in the review and discussion of the proposed plan.

8. Include the plan in the supplementary aids and services section of the IEP.

9. Schedule a review meeting to review data and determine if an abbreviated day is still necessary no more than six weeks after plan is implemented. Plans must be reviewed regularly (every 6 weeks or sooner).

10. Provide the following information in writing to the parent of the student (use the Abbreviated​ ​School​ ​Day​ ​Program​ ​Parent/Student​ ​Notification​ ​Form.​)

a. The prohibition against the school district unilaterally placing a student on an abbreviated school day program; and

b. The student’s presumptive right to receive the same number of hours of instruction or educational services as other students who are in the same grade within the same school and

c. The parent’s right to request, at any time, a meeting of the individualized education program team to determine whether the student should no longer be placed on an abbreviated school day program.

11. Obtain a signed acknowledgment from the parent of the student that the parent received the above information using the Abbreviated​ ​School​ ​Day​ ​Program​ ​Parent/Student Notification​ ​Form.

12. Include a written statement in the IEP that explains the reasons the student was placed on an abbreviated school day program.

13. Document determination of abbreviated school day placement using Meeting Minutes, Placement Page, and Prior Written Notice of Special Education Action.

14. Upload student plan and signed form to OrSped. These​ ​rules​ ​do​ ​not​ ​apply​ ​to​:

(a) Any abbreviated school days that are a component of discipline imposed in compliance with ORS 339.250;

(b) A student who will be eligible to complete the requirements for a diploma or certificate under ORS 329.451 during the school year if the student, and the parent of the student, agree to the abbreviated school day program; or

(c) A student whose parent has notified an education service district that the student is being taught by a parent, legal guardian or private teacher under ORS 339.035.